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When yoongi lifted his arms and sharp pain shot through his body and he yanked he hoodie back down. Hoseok tilted his head.

" What are you doing? It's not like I haven't seen your body before." Yoongi scrunched his nose.

"Yeah....that didn't sound right...but it's still true plus we have the same things."

"I-im fine." The older said in a small voice.

"He speaks!" Hoseok raised both arms straight up into the air.

"Now get naked I'm not letting you leave until you get in the tub." Yoongi clenched fist that were covered by his sleeves.

Hoseok sighed standing up and walking over to the other he bent down so he was to his eyes level.

"Or do you want me to undress you?" Yoongi gulped "I-I-I got it." Hoseok pulled back smiling. Yoongi began pulling off his hoodie biting down on his lip so he wouldn't cryout in pain. He tossed it to the side.

Hoseok's eyes widen as he saw more bruises on the boy's arms. Yoongi continued undressing without looking at the other.

Now only in his boxers he hugged himself. Hoseok stared as if counting every bruise and mark he saw.

"W-what happened?"

"Nothing." He walked over to the slowly lifting his placing his foot inside.

"Yoongi...this is not nothing." The older was silent as he sat in the water.

"You ca-."

"Can you leave so I can wash myself properly?" Hoseok sighed he walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind him. Sat on his bed with his head in his hands.

Yoongi can out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel.

"Are you serious?" Hoseok raised his head staring at the older trying hard not to laugh.

He had given Yoongi a Kumamon hooded towel and the older actually had the hood up.

"Sorry it was the first towel I grabbed." He let a giggle slip as he talked.

"Why do you even have this?"

"It was a gift." Hoseok leaned back on his hand his legs crossed one over the other. Yoongi pouted

"I feel ridiculous."

"Aww... I think you're cute." The order's face dusted pink. Hoseok got off the bed handing Yoongi the bag.

"Put this on and come down stairs." He'd nodded taking the bag.

Downstairs Hoseok laid out the food from the bag and waited for Yoongi. The older finally making his appearance he immediately scanned to table of food and spotted the lamb skewers.

He licked his lips.

"Don't just stand there sit dowm." The older practically ran over to the couch. Hoseok set a cup down in front of him.

"Sorry I have no beer....I threw it all out." Yoongi stayed silent. Hoseok cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry."

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