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Yoongi woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling looking he noticed he was now clothed and laying on a bed he looked to the side to find Hoseok asleep while holding his hand as well as the other sprawled out on the floor and chairs.

He tried pulling away when his grip suddenly tightened. Hoseok lifted his head and stared a the boy still half asleep he blinked a couple of times before realizing what was going on.

"Y-Yoongi!" He stood up sending the small swivel chair into Jungkooks head.

"Ow! What the fuc-?!" His words stopped as he say Yoongi sitting up

"Hyung you're awake!" The young stayed on the floor looking up at the two as the other started to wake up.

"Why the hell are you on top of me?!" Jin growled as he pushed Namjoon to the floor.

"You're comfortable." Yoongi laughed at the pair tears began to spill from his eyes stopping their banter the all rushed to the side of the bed.

"What's wrong are you in pain?" The boy shook his head.

"I really missed you guys." His voice was quiet barely audible he looked down snatching his head up looking around.


" Shh...Calm down he's not here. He's going to prison he'll be locked away for a very long time so don't worry." Hoseok squeezed his hand to reassure him. The boy nodded leaning his head back against the pillow. Hoseok stroked his hair he wanted to be selfish but held his tongue.

"How did you find me." The boy looked down.

"Well.." Hoseok hesitated..Jin cleared his throat.

"Alright, kiddys let's go. He stood behind the boys ushering them to the door.

"Aw, what I want to st-...Ow!" Jimin smacked Jungkook on the back of the head while the others gave him and Are you fucking kidding me? look.

The boy sucked his teeth walking out the door.

"Take your time we'll be in the cafe."

"Yay! food!" The two boys laughed while shaking their heads.

"How do you feel?" "

I don't really feel anything right now to be honest."

"Can I get you something?" The boy thought for a minute.

"Water?" The younger nodded before walking over to the small pitcher on the counter. Yoongi watch him sadly as he made his decision.

He quickly put a smile back on his face as the starting to turn around. he handed the water to the boy pulling the chair under him to sit down. The boy took a sip before looking at the boy. Who now had a serious look on his face.

"Those bruises from that time... were they from him too?" The older nodded slowly as the other sighed.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was afraid you'd get hurt."

"Who cares about me...you were suffering for so long alone."

"I care about you." The boy looked down.

"Do you remember anything." the boy sighed fiddling with the rim of the cup with his thumb

"Its a little groggy here and there...but how did you find me."He turned his gaze back to the Hoseok looking into the older's eyes.

"I saw you...I heard you calling me." He burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry...I-I ignored it!" Yoongi looked at him confused he reached out taking the boy's hand squeezing. "It's okay."

"I was in that room so many times...It freaked me out...I heard Eun and I ignored it I couldn't h-handle it I started to l-lose control...and and-"

Hoseok placed his head on the other's thigh. Yoongi petted his head softly. He raised his head looking at the older again.

"All of this made me realize how much I need you...I-i don't want to be away from you i-i l-"

"Sleep." Yoongi pressed his hand to the boy's forehead his eye slowly closed he was in a deep sleep.

"I'm sorry Sunshine I can't let you finish that sentence.

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