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Hoseok eyes snapped opened accompanied with a gasp. Yoongi hovered startled at the sudden movement the younger's grip tightly around his wrist. He sat up not letting go of the other.

"What are you doing?

"Wiping your forehead." Hoseok didn't say anything as his thoughts slipped back to the dream or was this a dream? He questioned himself his sense of reality twisted.

"Yah I thought you said you had high tolerance.. if I needed to get in the car with you we'd be somewhere wrapped around a tree." The older jokingly said trying to clear the heavy air around them.

"Here...you fell and hit you head." Yoongi took the rag from the hand that was still trapped  into the other and gently placed it on the younger's head. The coolness easing his worries...for now.


"No problem."

"You know this has been the most eventful night of my life in a long time. I chased a naked drunk guy...." There was a long pause.

" Yep that's it."

They laughed.. the suffocating feeling now completely gone. Yoongi yawned and Hoseok looked at the clock on the nightstand

"Climb in."


"Get in the bed Pabo." Saying this Hoseok scooted over pulling yoongi into the bed.

"Sleep." He said before finally letting go of the older and turning his back to him Yoongi did the same turning the opposite way.
Some time passed Yoongi was nearly sleep when heard a  small voice

"Hey yoongi?."  Yoongi frowned he hated being disturbed when sleeping. He quietly sucked his teeth.


" You awake?"

"What kind of fu-? ...If I was sleep I wouldn't have answered."

"Point taken." The pair fell silent again.  Yoongi snuggled his head further into the pillow.

"Hey Yoongi?" The older sighed as he heard his name again.

"What do you want now?"

"It's  about how you found out you were diff-...special...the accident...what happened?"



"I'm using one of my passes."

"O-oh.." Yoongi sighed hearing Hoseok's disheartened voice

"When did you realize it?" Hoseok turned over now facing the older's back.

" I've always able to I just never understood what was happening really until I met Eu..." Hoseok's voice got caught in his throat... Yoongi turned around so that he was facing the other his eyes still closed.

"Is it hard to talk about that person?"


" Instead of starting tomorrow we'll start now."

"Start what?"

"Don't use your mouth.. project your voice through your mind."

"I can't do it like that. It comes and goes on its own."

"Stop saying you can't. The more you say it the more you believe it."

"What if I lose control again?" Yoongi  raised his lids staring younger in the eyes as he was peering straight through to his soul and opened his mouth.

"I'm right here." His tone was reassuring.

"Alright... How should  I start?"

"Close you're eyes and take a deep breath."

"O-okay." The younger followed the others instructions slowly closing his eyes.

"Now clear your mind and relax" Hoseok's body loosened a little more as he continued taking slow and steady breaths.  Finally opening his eyes.

"Is it working?"


" Ugh.. see I told-" Hoseok frowned his brow as a gummy smile crept it's way on to Yoongi's face.

"See it that wasn't so hard right?"

"You're a pain in the ass you know that?"

"I sure do."

"Hehe...Tae~ Stop it~." Hoseok quickly  sat up.

"Okay that's enough of that!" He shook his head. What the hell was Taehyung and Jungkook doing? He thought as he scrunched up his face.

"I'll teach you isolation tomorrow.I'm going to sleep. If you wake me up I'll make sure you'll regret it." With that Yoongi turned his back and fell into a deep sleep.

[God this chapter is ....just...it needs help

😂sorry guys some chapter are better than others....LOVE YA - Sashii 💙💛💜]

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