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His eyes snap open he looked around the boys surrounded buy a pale blue water his eyes darted to and from seeing nothing but open space until locking on an object floating in the distance the boy squinted as the object came into focus it was Yoongi.

Hoseok opened his mouth to scream only releasing a hurdle of bubbles before clamping his mouth shut again in a panic he flailed his arms swimming towards the boys seemingly lifeless body Hoseok wrapped his arms around the boy there was no movement.


Yoongi laid on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling as shadows danced over the walls with each car that passed he signed closing his eyes feeling uneasy he opened them again he jump seeing a soaking wet hose on standing over him.

"H-Hoseok?" He called his name but the boy didn't receive an answer yoongi sat up slowly.

" Yah! You scared me, why are you wet?" The boy asked the uneasy feeling growing.

"You're not Hoseok." Yoongi gulped the boy in front of him just smiled in an instant his hand found its way around the others neck with a thud.

Yoongi gasped his hands flying upward clawing for freedom the fake Hoseok's grip growing tighter and tighter as he suspended the boy in the air the smile never leaving his face.

"That's enough." A voice echo throughout the space the fake Hoseok releasing the boy immediately dropping him to the ground.

The boy hacking as air filled his lungs he looked around for the source of the voice his eyes falling on a woman her hair glowing moonlight reflecting off the metallic colored strands.

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