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"Not now...Help me."



Hoseok opened his eyes staring at the ceiling, he sat up quickly looking around he was back in his hotel room.

What happened last night? A ting of pain shot through his head then disappeared as fast as it had come. He placed a hand on the back of his neck rubbing it slightly in confusion.

"Yah! How long are gonna sle-. Oh, you're awake. come on we have a flight to catch remember, you need to pack." Hoseok ignored the older's entire sentence as he sprung up from the bed moving over to him with long strides Yoongi's body reflexively tensed.

Hoseok grabbed the boy's face bringing their lips together. Hoseok released a desperate whine as Yoongi stood in shock, he pulled away.

"Y-yah, y-you didn't even brush-."

"Shut up." Hoseok pulled the boy was back to him it was as if he was afraid the boy would disappear. The kiss became more intense and passionate as their lips danced around, Yoongi dropped the towel he had been holding replacing it with the other's collar.

They were slowly moving backward. Hoseok's hands fell t from the boy's face and rested on his hips, his grip tightened as he pulled him closer filling any gaps that were left between them. Hoseok craved the Yoongi's body.

The two getting lost in each other's touch. Yoongi's back finally hit the wall when the horrible memories made their way into the boy's thoughts.

"H-Hoseok." He called out to the younger. He didn't respond. Yoongi placed a hand on his chest pushing him away slightly.

"S-stop." The boy had tears in his eyes. Hoseok's eyes grew in surprise as he realized what he'd been doing. He stepped back.

"I'm sorry " Yoongi shook his head.

"No. I'm sorry. I... I'm just not-" Hoseok pecked the boy's lips silencing him.

"You don't ever have to apologize for saying 'No' got it?" Yoongi nodded as Hoseok wrapped his arms around his small body giving him a little squeeze before kissing the top of his head and letting him go.

He smiled before walking to the bathroom closing the door behind him and locking it.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now