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Hoseok turned facing the older immediately calming down once he saw him. He rushed over holding a hand out to help him up.

Yoongi stood up without accepting the outstretched hand brushing of his pants. Hoseok walked over to where the boy's sunglasses had landed handing them to the older.

" What happened to your eye?" Yoongi took the glasses back ignoring the question putting them over his face.

"T-thank you." Yoongi bowed before walking away. Hoseok opened his mouth to call after the boy but stopped. What was he supposed to say? The sky finalky opened up the rain started to pour down.

The bell rang everyone had returned to class except Yoongi. Hoseok stared out the window once again counting the small droplets of water that decorated the window. His thought only on one person.

What happened to his eye...Brady couldn't have done that he'd only pushed him.

He continued contemplating the situation when a familiar sensation struck him sending visions of Yoongi laying in the same bathtub in that same position.

Hoseok felt sick and scared he couldn't take it anymore he got up with a bang storming out of the room Jin's voice calling behind him but he ignored him. He ran to the old building searching every room from the entrance to the roof but there was no sign of him. He search all over campus most part being closed off.

He darted to his car fumbling with the keys he struggled to unlocked the door. Finally opening the door the younger wasted no time in pulling into the road rain crashing into his windshield.

He drove passed shops near the school circling around a few times before continuing.

He looked for what felt like hours. The rain was now too much he could hardly see. Deciding it would be better to wait until the storm end to look for the older he cautiously drove towards his home.

As he drove the rain let up just a tiny bit turning down a semi-busy street Hoseok was stuck in traffic he glanced around when he spotted large bright blue dot he'd grown accustom to seeing.

He got out of his car running to the dot that was crouching down under a bus stop.

"Yoongi?" The older looked up with no emotion as his name was called his eyes red and puffy as though he'd just stop crying.

He put his head back on his knees. Hoseok heart hurt at the sight. He then knelt down next to him not say a word.

He stared at the older's face in admiration his bangs clinging to his wet skin his eyes shut. Soon enough he heard soft snores coming from him.

His eyes widen in surprise.

"Yah you'll catch a cold if you sleep out hear like that." The boy didn't budge. As smile made its over the younger's lips.

He scooted closer to the boy before wrapping his arms around his body lifting it up and carrying him to his car.

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