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Hoseok covered his face with the towel before the other could notice the change. Pushing the boy's hand away and rushing pass him.

"You should head down I won't take that long." Yoongi sat with his hand still suspended in the air.

"Okay?" Yoongi grabbed his bag before hesitantly leaving the room to join the others. Hearing the door close Hoseok bellyflopped across the bed to his phone quickly dialing he paused erasing the number and dialing another.


"Put Jimin on the phone!"

"You know people normally say 'Hello' or 'How are you?' before demanding-."

"Namjoon if you don't give him the phone so help me God!"

"Alright, I got it jeez." There was a muffled noise before another voice.

"Hobi, what's up?"

"Taehyung's crying"

"What? why?"

"No, time to explain come to my room." Jimin ran to the elevator spamming the button.

"I'm coming up the elevator now."

"Wait! Don't take the elevator!"

"Why?" Hoseok thought a quick excuse other than 'Yoongi's on his way down'

"I-it'll take too long. Take the stairs."

"Do you know what floor you're on?!"

"Run like you did in that race when you thought there was a bee on you."

"Fine!" Jimin handed the phone back to Namjoon before darting off just as Taeyhyung came up from behind.

"Where's he going?"

"Hoseok? What are you up to?"

"I have my reasons."

"Okay I get that but why did you call my phone?"

"Didn't he leave his on yours and Jin's bed?"  Hoseok quickly hung up not waiting for a response.


There was a fierce banging on the door as Hoseok finished buttoning his shirt he rushed over opening it only to be pushed aside.  He stumbled backward a little in shock.

"Where is he?"

"How should I know?" The older said as he closed the door.

"But you said."

"I lied." Jimin sighed 

"Asshoo Oh My God!"  Hoseok took off the sunglasses that hid his eyes.

"What the hell is with your eyes?"

"I don't know that's why I called you." Jimin became nervous.

"Why would I know?"

"Remember a couple of years back your eyes always changed." 

"That was...something different, and they never changed like that."

"I guess you're right." Hoseok ran a hand through his hair as the younger gnawed on his bottom lip.

"Do you feel weird... Like anything unusual?" 

"Yeah, Yoongi..." The boy trailed off.

"I really lost myself I feel like I attacked him."

"....Second puberty?" Jimin shrugged as shot him a look.

(a/n: picture the face he made when Jimin put his foot on him)

"This is serious."

"Well, I don't know. Just keep your shades on and say you have a hangover."

"You're no help." Jimin shrugged walking to the door.

"Hurry up and come down if we stay any longer we'll miss the flight and I'm not staying here longer."

"Yeah, yeah." Hoseok waved the boy off as he left. On the other side of the door, Jimin pulled out a prepaid phone dialing the only contact.

"We have a problem."

{Hey guys, I don't think I've done an end author note in a long time. So ill have a little test for you guys after the next chapter I don't think I interact with you guys enough.....so yeah! I'm pretty sure there'll be like 3 people but still fun to see you guy's answers PEACE!!!- Sashii💛💚💙💜}

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