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He threw himself on top of the boy. Taking his hand and pinning them above his head. He kissed him roughly.

Yoongi squirmed trying to free himself. The man lost his patience and brought his to the boy's face. he cried out.

"Shut up! You brought this on yourself." he kissed down the boy's neck leaving little red marks ripping away his clothes. tears streamed down the younger's face he wanted it to stop.

"P-Please n-no more." Was all he was able to choke out as he cried louder. The more he cried the more anger filled the man.

"I said shut up!" The man repeatedly punched the boy causing him to cry out louder when he suddenly stopped a sinister grin on his face. That's when Yoongi heard it.

"No... This time I'll make sure he's awake to feel everything."

The younger squirmed, even more. Being unconscious was the only relief he had, he wouldn't feel the pain, he wouldn't hear the vulgar moans that spewed from the others mouth.

The man grabbed the tie he thrown down earlier wrapping it around the other's wrists binding them tightly together before flipping the younger over pushing his head to the floor.

He positioned his member at the boy's entrance.

"Please sto-." His words were turned into screams as the man forced himself inside. With each thrust, the boy whaled at the unbearable pain he felt as he prayed for it to end.


Hoseok laid on his bed with his laptop. He was searching for reasons he kept seeing those images he still hadn't mentioned it to Yoongi for fear it'd freak him out.

He found a bunch of useless articles that pawned the occurrences off as hallucinations and kept suggesting to visit a doctor as soon as possible... until he came across an article.

The Power Of the Mind.

It talked about the different experiences this person had when having Deja vu but stronger it was like he was seeing the future being played out in front of him.

Hoseok continued reading until he read the words "And that's how I won the lottery." He slammed his laptop shut in frustration placing it to the side he rolled over on his back and stare at the ceiling he had got it replaced with a window so he could star at the stars without having to move much.

Yoongi was really starting to rub off on him. He smiled thinking of the boy and how the stars reminded him of his eyes.

He shook his head Yoongi somehow always found a way into his thought without him actually trying Hoseok would just think about every detail about the boy...

Everything he loved.

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