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Hoseok stood in the front yard brooding over whether or not he should knock on the door.

He reached out instantly taking his hand away from the door when it opened he froze.

An elderly man stood he looked weak, fragile as if the wind would turn him into dust without much effort.

"How long on are you going to stand out there?" The man smiled a little immediately pulling the boy out of his trance bowing instantly.


"Come in." Hoseok followed his father into his childhood home, he looked around at the interior which seemed to age as much as his father had.

The smell of cinnamon filled his nose he remembered this smell from when Eun would light a combination of bright red candles and brown insense.

His eyes continued to scan the walls all portraits of his mother and father and one with just the two males. They entered his father's study.

The boy closed the door behind them as the other sat in a nearby chair huffing from exhaustion which sent him into a coughing fit he covered his mouth with a handkerchief.

Though they hadn't been close the man often tried his best to do whatever he could for his son even if they didn't talk much.

Hoseok quickly ran over to the jug on the desk pouring a glass of water for his father. He accepted it thanking him in the process. After he had regained his composure he looked at the boy.

"Have a seat." His voice was deep but also light.

"I'm fine where I am. I don't plan on staying long." The man nodded at the boy's blunt refusal.

"Why did you call me here?" Hoseok questioned getting straight to the point. The man sighed.

"As you can see I don't have much time left. I wanted...needed to see you before my time ran out." Hosoek stood unfazed by his words.

"In my will-." Hoseok cut the man off.

"If your will is what you wanted to talk about forget it I don't need nor do I want your money." he turned and made his way to the door.

"Have you learned to control your abilities yet or are you still shutting them out?" Hoseok froze turning around to look at the man.

"H-how did you know abo-?"

"There are a lot of things I haven't been honest with you about when I should have. Will you stay and listen?" The boy slowly made his way to a chair that sat directly across from his father's. He Hesitated.

"Did I...inherit my abilities from you?" the man smiled it was a sad smile you could tell by the look in his eyes and see the pain.

"No, you got it from your mother." Hoseok's eyes widened

"Then why had she never told me! instead of being so wicked all these years if she and I-?" The man held up his hand stopping the boy's words.

"Hoseok...You inherited it from your birth mother." The boy sat not saying a word as he procced what he'd just been told.

"I'm so sorry. I know no amount of apologizing can make up for the years of torment you'd been through...I should've done a better job of protecting you. I put a monster before my own blood...but please believe me when I say that staying away from you was for the best.."

No wonder she's always hated me I'm not her child.

Hoseok was lost in thought his mind plagued with a million questions...he had to calm down or he'd lose control.

After all the hard work Yoongi did...Yoongi he called the boy's name in his heart steading his breath picturing his gummy smile and the way his hair fell over his eyes.

He looked at his father whose eyes were now glossed over as tears threatened to spill from them. The boy shot up from his seat.

"What's her name I have to find her!" his father shook his head.

"I'm sorry..." Hoseok dropped back into the chair sanking down.

"D-did she not want to be with us?" His voice shook as he tried to wrap his head around all the information he was receiving.

"Of course not I love your mother and she loved me...and you very much. We were young. I had hidden our relationship from my parents. That was my first mistake your mother was pregnant with you when I found out about the arranged marriage... I tried to protest but they threaten to harm your mother if I didn't comply. He stopped to take a breath.

"I couldn't let that happen and she agreed it was best to keep her identity a secret and you'd stay with me." tears streamed down the man's face as he thought back. Hoseok was crying at this time too.

"Did she ever come visit?....Did I ever meet her?" The man wiped a tear from his eyes as he nodded.

"You've met her a few times." Hoseok sat up.

"W-who wa-?" His phone rung the familiar sound of Yoongi's drunken laugh echoed throughout the room. He took out his phone a message displayed itself on the screen.

Blue Gummy

Hey, where are you? You're mother's here.

Hoseok's face grew red with anger as he jumped from his seat.

"Why is she with him?! I-I!"

"Go...I already know." Hoseok bowed only hearing the word "Go."

"In the end, I didn't get to tell him... Eun...Our son finally he found his control." A dark figure stood in the shadows listening to the man's words.

"I'm leaving the rest to you. Thank you...I was able to see him one more time...Please protect him." he didn't look at the figure.

"I will do everything in my power to." The figure spoke placing a hand on the back of the man's head.

"Thank you for keeping me alive long enough." He closed his eyes tears spilling from the sides.

"I'm coming to join you my love." he whispered as a light flashed into the figure's had his body fell limp his last breath...gone.

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