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"Yoongi!" The older jumped as Hoseok burst through into the bathroom  yelling at the top of  his lungs.

"W-what?" Yoongi was sitting on the edge of the tub wrapped in a towel Hoseok ran over him yanking away the towel.

"Yah, what the he-!" The younger pulled his arm inspecting then closely there were no open wounds but there were old ones.

He ran his thumb down the old scars. Yoongi pulled his arms away folding them inward hiding away his past. Hoseok sighed looking into the older's eyes.

"Are you okay?" "It was a long time ago." He stated stiffly looking away.

Hoseok stayed silent thinking about what he had saw...was it his imagination? Couldn't be it felt...to real to just be something he imagined.

"Where are you looking!"

Yoongi yelled snatching the towel back covering his body.

"I wasn't-!" He sighed

"Come on.. I have some clothes you can wear." Hoseok moved from his position walking to the door.  Yoongi followed- at least he tried to help suddenly lost his footing on the wet floor.

"Oh sh-!"

"Careful.." before he could hit the ground he was caught. Hoseok stared at the older admiring the way his wet bangs fell over his eyes.

His eyes wondered down to the older's pale pink lips. He  gulped before ckearing his throat and averting his gaze. He lifted the older upright again both their faces dusted with pink


"No problem." Yoongi took a step immediately wincing in pain.

"Ssss..!" He braced himself on Hoseok arm. The younger looked down and noticed a purple bruise on the older's ankle.

"That must've happened when you were running around. Oh well."

Saying that Hoseok wrapped his arms around the older carrying him bridal style.

"P-put me down I can walk on my own."

"As an ex-dancer...you're really starting to piss me off." Yoongi gulped at the low growl that emanated format the younger's mouth. Hoseok set him down gently
"I'll be right back"

With that Hoseok disappear into the hallway. After a couple of minutes  he return with an icepack and a first-aid kit.

"Alrig-." Hoseok choked on his words as he stared at a completely naked Yoongi through the cracks door.

His eyes wondered over ever curve his body held from his strong jawline to his chest to his perfectly chiseled abs his prominent "V" line and his hu- Hoseok mentally facepalmed himself what was he thinking he quickly placed his back on the wall waiting a couple of minutes before knocking on the door and entering the boy now completely clothed and sitting on the bed again his hair still dripping wet.

Hoseok walked over to the older kneeling down looking at his foot he sped ointment on it before wrapping it with gauze placing and a stool and pillow under it before laying the icepack over it.

As he got up again he noticed Yoongi's hands full covered by the sleeve from his shirt.

He flashed an apologetic smile

"Sorry the clothes don't fit. He grabbed another towel and started patting the older's hair dry.

"You're about the same size as Jimin but I forgot he buys clothes a few sizes too big. Yoongi melted into the feeling.

"I-its okay.. I don't really mind." Hoseok finished drying the older's hair throwing the damp towel in the hamper.

"It's getting late I should go."

"I can drive."

"Like hell!"


"We both drink that shit. And I'm still buzzing."

"I have a higher tolerance level."

"It's still against the law. I can go by myself."

" You don't live around here do you? Wouldn't it be harder given your injury?"

"I live closer than you think." Hoseok thought for a moment.

"Then you're staying here." The younger smacked his thigh as he got up.

"W-what? How do you figure that?"

"Simple. You won't let me drive you and I won't let you leave."

"We barely know each other."

"Yeah and I've seen more of you than I'd like to." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders the younger had a point.

"Fine. Just give me a blanket and I'll sleep on the couch." Hoseok bent down so he was I level with the older he slowly moved forward their noses almost touching.

"No...You're sleeping with me...in here."

[Sorry for the late update guys and I know the chapter SUUUUCKED

But I still hope you're enjoying it in some way shape or form.
Sashii - 💙💛💜]

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