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They walked into the resterraunt a small bell chimed signaling their arrive.

"Sorry we're not open ye-" Jin was settingup some trays on the table when he turned around his smile vanished.

Namjoon was standing in front while everyone else just stood behind him avoiding Jin's dagger-like gaze except for Jimin who just shrugged. Jin scoffed turning around headed for the kitchen Namjoon running after him as they others sat in a booth.

"Why did you make us come here?" Jimin whispered

" I was bored..."Hoseok had a smirk on his face.

"What dose being bo-." Hoseok held up a finger and looked at his watch.

" The show will begin in 3...2...1." As if on cue there was a loud bang coming from the kitchen Namjoon jumped over the counter ducking behind it as a large metal both flew over him.

"Get back here you bastard!" Jin screamed as he started chasing the boy around the tables throwing anything is hand brushed up against.

"See what I tell ya?" Hoseok laugh as he watched the scene unfold before him when Namjoon started sprinting in their direction.

"Oh Yah! Yah! Yah don't come over he-." Taehyung stopped his words as he dodged the projectiles set from Jin. The all dispersed trying not to get caught when someone entered the building everyone froze looking at the door

"Uhhh I have a delivery for a Mister Kim-Seok Jin."

"Right here." Jin set the napkin holder that he had ready on a nearby table and glaring at the other which meant you better start picking this shit up or at least that's what Yoongi and Hoseok heard in his thoughts before walking over to the deliveryman.

"Sign here please."

"Of course." Namjoon walked over to the rest of the group.

"Doesn't he look to friendly?" Jimin rolled his eyes.

" So what if he is?"

"I don't like it."

"He can do whatever he wants Nam he's not yours."

"Not yet." With the boy walked made his way over to the two while the others watch.

"All hell what is he doing now?"

Namjoon came up behind Jin wrapping his arm around his waist pulling him to his side making sure they was no space catching Jin by surprise he let out a squeal that none of them had ever heard before.

Jin looked up about to say something but stopped once he saw the look on Namjoon's face.

He took the clipboard handing it back to the man.

"Thank you." The man bowed hesitantly before leaving. Jin pushed himself away from the boy

"Namjoon what the He-." Namjoon grabbed Jin's arm.

"Come talk to me." With that the younger dragged Jin to out the back door.

"So are we not eating?" Everyone groaned throwing balled up napkins at him and walking away.

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