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The sun was now gone replaced by the moon millions of stars decorating the sky.

"Yah where are Jimin and Namjoon? It's getting late." Jin turned his head searching for the two.

"Why do you care?" Hoseok spat the words at the older.

"Excuse me I'm supposed to be the "chaperone" here?"

"Bullshit! You came because you wanted to let go of that half-assed lie and grow up. " Yoongi slapped a hand over his mouth, as the others looked at him stunned by the sudden outburst.

He glanced over his shoulder at Hoseok.

Calm down. I'm still in your lap you know. Whatever you feel I feel.

"Well, he has a point." Taehyung said running his fingers through Jungkooks hair.

"Yeah, you're constantly pushing him away... A heart can only take so much." Jin scoffed at the youngers words.

"And what do you know."

"More than you apparently."

"Listen, you-"

"Alright cut it out... let's go back for now. I'm sure they're fine." Hoseok said lifting Yoongi from his lap and standing. The others followed dusting the sand from their shorts.

"Yeah, we have to repack everything." The group slowly made their way back towards the parking lot.

"Shit!" Taehyung sprinted ahead of the others Jungkook following closely behind.

"What the hell?"

"Namjoon's on the roof!" Jungkook yelled continuing to run after the older Hoseok dropped Yoongi's hand breaking into a run after them.


"Joonie come down from there!"

Namjoon sat on the edge of the building chugging a bottle of alcohol.

"Calm down Mochi, I'm not gonna jump."


"Haha, you do know I'm older than you right?" Just as Jimin opened his mouth his body was pulled from the window his back hitting against the wall.

"Don't you dare." Taehyung growled in the olders face his eyes filled with anger as Jungkook watched the scene before him soon enough joined by Hoseok.

"W-wh-" Jungkook pointed to the window the older wasting no time climbing out onto the ledge stopping half way.

"Go back to the room." with that he slipped the rest of his body out of the window. Taehyung grabbed Jimin's hand yanking away from the wall storming passed the others leaving Jungkook behind.


"Namjoon seriously?" Hoseok stood with his back pressed against the wall as he made his way to over the younger who was looking up at him.

"I'm not gonna jump Hoseok.I just... want to."

"I know...I also know this isn't just about Jin?" Namjoon shook his head.

"Yeah.." Namjoon lifted the bottle to his lips taking a few gulps before speaking again.

"Why did we ever break up?" Hoseok pursed his lips together turning his gaze up to the star-filled sky the younger doing the same.

"Because I was a jack-ass?" They stayed silent for a moment before bursting into a laughing fit.

"That's coming from the radiant ball of light that rarely shows any emotion besides happiness." Hoseok wiped an imaginary tear from his eye while the younger let real ones fall.

"Do you ever think about back then?" Hoseok nodded

"I'm learning from my mistakes...Not that dating you was a mistake the way I handled things."

"Yeah me too." The younger raised the bottle back to his lips it swiftly being snatched away.

"LOOK OUT BELOW!" his voice echoed as he dropped the bottle letting gravity take it away.

"Thank you." The younger chuckled before turning to face the older with a serious expression.

"Hoseok?" The older hummed turning now facing the other.

"No matter what just remember everything will be okay." With that the younger stood up the other following to make sure he didn't jump or fall.

"Let's get down before I really do fall." The boys made their way back inside crawling through the window only to be met by Jin asleep on against the wall. Namjoon let out a sigh.

"I'm going insane...I'll take him you head back."

"You're sure you'll be okay?" The younger scoffed

"Have you finished of my bottle of absinthe yet?" Hoseok smirked before turning his back on the two and returning to his room.

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