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Hoseok's eye shot open. Beads of sweat littered his forehead as he slowly sat up from his bed.

Why is it that damn dream again? He thought as he looked at his clock.


A whole hour before he actually had to wake. He ruffled his hair in frustration as he laid back down.

He tossed and turned not being able full relax due to the ongoing thought of his neighbors and the rest of the outside world. He smashed his pillow over his face relaxing and angered yell. Throwing his blanket off of his body he got out of bed walking down stairs to his kitchen.

An eerie silence filled the house it's just been him and him alone for a while now.... he had friends more like very close acquaintances but he didn't hang out with them away from class....no parents but then again when were they ever....and definitely no Eun to call him sunshine....he was all alone.

Reaching his kitchen he opened the fridge scanning the contents he sighed. Nothing but beers and hard liquor...he never really at much when he was to himself. But out there... he couldn't do that..he had to be everyone's "sunshine"...everyone's "J-hope." He grabbed a beer from the top shelf hitting the lid on the edge of the counter before heading back up stairs.

Entering his room he made his way to the bathroom. Chugging half of the beer he turned on the shower. Setting his beverage to the side he got undress before slipping under the warm water. He stood for a moment letting the water gently flow over ever crevice of his body.

He enjoyed the feeling of the water as he massage his melon scented shampoo on his scalp. His head clear of all thoughts that didn't belong solely to him. That momentary bliss was short lived.

Damn...What's the code again?

Hoseok threw his head back in annoyance before rinsing out the soapy foam from his hair and turning off the water. Wrapping a towel around his waist he trudged down stairs towards his front door.

The constant beeping echoing as a signal of the person on the other side trying to enter. Rolling his eyes he opened the door revealing his body to one of his acquaintances their eyes meeting his crotch area.

Holy shit...

He flashed a bunny smile. Hoseok scoffed at the younger's thoughts as he stared his half naked body.

"Hyung! What are you doing in my house?"

" Jeon Jungkook....How many times do I have to tell you...this is not your house." His voice was a low growl that the younger found attractive.

"Oh....Sorry Hyung!" The younger said slightly swaying as he walked away. He stopped and looked before turning back to Hoseok who watched the boy in disgust.

"Uhh..Hyung?" Cutting off his words the older pointed to the house across the street without saying anything causing the younger to snap his finger with his "ah ha" moment.

"Tha-." Before he could finish his sentence the door slammed behind him. Hoseok returned to his room looking at the clock.

5:58 am

Well his peaceful hour had been destroyed as he only had enough time to get dressed and walk out the door. He wore an army green button up shirt with camouflage shorts and a pair of black and white sneakers. (Baepsae Anyone? *Wink*wink*)

As he grabbed his keys he could see daylight starting to pour into the windows of his home. He stood in front of the door...Time to go sunshine.
He thought before making his way outside to his car. As he placed the keys in the ignition the three other doors opened and slammed shut.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now