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"Sorry I'm late there was a...situation I had to take care of." At that moment Namjoon walked into the class wearing a big grin on his face initiating Snickers and Giggles throughout the room.

"Alright..Alright settle down." Hoseok paid no attention as he stared at his phone.

"Jung Hoseok!" The younger jumped back to his senses as his name was suddenly yelled.


" That phone better disappear in the next 0.5 seconds or else."

"Sorry." He bowed slightly pocketing his device and sat back down.

"Min Yoongi there's no wearing sunglasses during lessons please take them of."

"No." A number of gasp echoed in the room.

"E-excuse me?" Jin was taken aback by the sudden rebel from the younger.

"I said no."

"Well either the glasses go or you do." Without another word Yoongi stood up and walked out the door. Jin stared at the door shock as the boy as did Hoseok.

Jin cleared his throat and started is lesson. Hoseok turned to the window watching they sky turn grey.


Jin dismissed the class early leaving everyone one with ample time before the mid-day bell which of course Namjoon used to follow him around. Hoseok went to his favorite place in the world is mind overflowing with thoughts. Had he broken him he wondered.

He couldn't help but think about the images he'd seen that day. He was about to enter the building when he heard muffled voiced coming from behind it. Curious Hoseok made his way to the sound he peeked around the corner.

Yoongi stood with his back facing the wall in front of him the stereotypical dumb jocks.

"Who do you think you are huh? Making my little sister cry." The leader smirked as he cracked his knuckles " Like I said I'm not in to vindictive manipulative bitches."

"I'll show you whose a bitch." As he said this he pushed the boy to the ground his sunglasses falling from his face revealing his black eye. Pain tinged through his body not from the fall but from his injuries from the night.

"Oy...look at this some already beat his ass."

Peeking around the corner Hoseok saw Yoongi sitting on the ground covering his face once he move him hand revealing the dark purple bruise on his eye.

The sight made the younger's blood boil as he stormed over to the group standing between them and Yoongi.

"Brady! What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"This doesn't concern you...get lost." Hoseok scoffed not moving.

" Look unless you want to get turned in to a blood pulp like this bitch here I suggest you leave." Hoseok chuckled slightly.

"You...beat me? The way I see it you're the only bitch here."

"What did you say?"

"Oh aside from the ones cowarding behind you like pussies." Brady's anger took over as he pushed Hoseok.

"Let's go Sunshine." Hoseok snapped his eyes glossed over loosing their color tackling the boy he pulled his fist up bringing it back down- or he tried to but something was hold him back.

Looking up he saw Jin his arm trapped by his hand behind him was Namjoon with his hands in his pockets rocking back and forth on his heals.

"That's enough." Hoseok looked back at the boy he hovered over and then back a Jin before yanking his arm away in frustration.

"You three with me now." Brady scrammbled up from the ground keeping his gaze to the ground. Jin was certainly scary when he wanted to be.

They marched of in a line lead by Jin with Namjoon at the end to make sure no one got any bright ideas and tried to ditch their punishment.

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