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Arriving on campus Yoongi got out of the car and stood at the window.

"I won't be home tonight. Make sure you get home safe." Yoongi nodded before walking off. As he walked through the parking lot glanced at Hoseok's usual spot only to find his car was not there.

He continued walking headed for the yard. Getting his meal he sat under a tree away from everyone. Finishing he laid down on the grass looking up at the sky he fell asleep.


"How can he just sleep like the that?" Yoongi stirred as he heard the thoughts of someone nearby. Opening his eyes he saw pastel colors hair hovering over him.

"Why are you sleeping on the ground?... if you stay here you'll be late." Jimin held out his hand. Yoongi sat up rubbing his eyes under his sunglasses.

"I didn't get much sleep last night." The older said taking the outstretched hand being pulled to his feet.

"Well you sound like shit."

"Thanks." Jimin laughed

"I was just kidding come on!" Jimin wrapped his arm around the other's shoulder as they walked to their classroom.

They met up with Tae and Kookie who both had visible hickies on their necks which made Jimin roll his eyes. They laughed and horseplayed through out the conversation Yoongi kept his distant begin that we was still very much sore.

"Oh Yoongi where's your phone." Yoongi quickly patted himself down pulling his phone from his pocket and holding it up

"Right here." Jimin snatched the phone his fingers moving lightning fast across the screen before being pushed back into the older's hand as all three of their phones chimed.

"Now we have you number and you have all of ours." Jimin winked.The bell rang

"Oh shit..." they all ran to the classroom luckily Jin wasn't there yet. The three entered the room leaving the other on the other side of the door.

He was scared to go in he stood out there for what felt like a century think whether or not to go in. He gnawed on his bottom lip before taking a step forward.

Hoseok was staring at the empty seats next to him. Yoongi hadn't come to class yet.

He looked at his watch the bell would rang any minute he looked out the window. What if he hadn't come because of him...Hoseok was racked with guilt. He tugged his hair in frustration banging his head on the desk.

The bell rang but he didn't budge until he heard the door open. He jerked his head up only to see the three slackers he'd driven here with. He groaned placing his head down again. After a couple of minutes the door opened again figuring it was Jin he slowly raised his head his eyes widen as he saw the one he was longing for walking to his chair and sitting.

Hoseok opened his mouth to say something but stopped. Yoongi didn't look at him he sat quietly and started pulling out his notebooks. Suddenly his phone buzzed a message from Jimin displayed on the screen

This is his number now fix it.

Hoseok yanked his head up meeting Jimin's gaze the younger smiled before turning back around as Jin entered.

Hoseok smiled to himself staring at the phone.

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