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2 weeks later

Yoongi and Hoseok were back on good terms and became best friend..Yes friends not acquaintances but friends. Hoseok was now more open he was able to hear what he wanted and block out what he didn't.

He even hung out with Jimin Tae Jungkook on a regular basis even Namjoon came around to rant about Jin and how he was still being turned down.

Yoongi was no longer covered in bruises which Hoseok never got an answer to how he got them but finally realized they lived across the street from each other. They were on a break from school. Everything was perfect....

"What should we do?" "I vote for 금이진 (Geumijin)." Namjoon raised his hand.

"No." Everyone said in unison. That was Jin's restaurant.

"Why not~?" He whined.

"Hyung you've asked him out everyday since classes started." Jungkook started

"And you've been turned down everyday since classes started." Taehyung finished his sentenced high-fiving over Jimin's head who rolled his eyes sucking on his popsicle.

They were walking down the sidewalk it was a nice day so the decided to go out for ice cream.

"What about a movie?" Jimin suggested.

"Oooh yeah it'll be dark an-."

"Nope! Nevermind." Jimin cut off Taehyung knowing where his statement was headed.

"Yah..What about you two?" Namjoon yelled at Hoseok and Yoongi who had been whispering and giggling up until that point.

They stopped walking and turned around to face the others.

"Sorry...what were we talking about?" The others groaned in disbelief

"Yah if you're gonna keep to yourself while we in a group just go out by yourself  or date or something." Jungkook said in annoyance earning a smack on the back of the head from the other three.

Hoseok thought for a minute.

"Fuck it. Let's goto Jin's."

"Yes!" Namjoon punched the air and few time before running ahead

"Come on guys we gotta get there before it gets crowded!" They all laughed before going after the boy.

Hoseok wrapping his arm around Yoongi's shoulder as the tried to keep up.

No one noticed the man in the parked car watching them.

[OH SHIIIIIIII  It's. About. To. Go. Down 💙💛💜]

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