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Jin followed the car constantly glancing in the mirror at the boys in the back. Hoseok sat up slowly.

"Hobi..." The boy said nothing and stared at the younger before licking his lips. In an instant he had pinned the boy down, Jimin let out a high pitched yelp.

Jin swerved causing his sunglasses to fall off. His eyes glowed. The golden color had spread. Jimin tried pushing the boy away unable with the new strength the boy had. 

"Jin!"  Hoseok brought his face closer the younger still fighting against him as best he could. 

"Hobi you have to fight it." Hoseok didn't answer only smiled. He couldn't stop he wasn't in control. He moved one hand under the boy's shirt causing him to shutter.

He lunged at the boy's neck gliding his tongue across it.

"A-ah!" Jimin moaned at the sensation. 

Jin slammed on the breaks sending the boys flying to the floor. He quickly got out of the car opening the back seat he pulled Jimin from under the boy and sent a pulse of energy through his chest the boy flew backward his back hitting the door opposite of them, his body laid limp. 

Jimin sat in the street catching his breath Jin kneeled down pressing a hand to the boy's neck a purple mark.

"Jimin...I" The younger pushed his hand away harshly before standing and brushing off his pants.

"Let's go."


"I don't see them behind us anymore." Yoongi sighed looking in the side mirror he turned around his eyes growing wide.
"What's wrong?" The others directing their attention to the youngest of the group.

"Holy shit! Kookie what's wrong?!" Taehyung moved over cupping the boy's face wiping the sweat away.

"I-it's nothing."

"Bullshit, tell me." The boy was red as he flashed a pained smile.

"I'm fine really."

"Jungkook you don't look fine." He lifted his head towards Yoongi.


"What the hell happened to your neck?!" Taehyung cut off his word staring at the large purple bruise the younger immediately slapping a hand over it long away. Taehyung sat back rubbing the sides of his head with one hand.

"He's fine." The boy said pulling out his phone and typing something just as Namjoon's phone began to ring. Namjoon glanced at the caller id before putting his earpiece in and answering.

"Yeah."  his expression darkened a little. He glanced in Yoongi's direction continuously giving one-word responses. Yoongi could only hear the muffled voice of Jin on the other line.

"Alright." Namjoon sighed ending the call and removing the Bluetooth from his ear.

"Is something wrong?" Namjoon smiled

"Nope." Taehyung scoffed still taping his screen Jungkook had become less red and was leaning against the window watching the passing scenery.

Yoongi was unsatisfied with the answer from the younger he turned back so that he was facing forward he crossed his arms sinking into the seat before suddenly sitting back up as if just realized something.

He glanced quickly at the boy who was focusing on the road and smiled to himself. He closed his eyes leaning back again as if he were going to sleep he took a few deep breaths before he began listening. The car came to a stop.

He waited and waited but nothing happened he stayed that way for a long time eventually falling asleep.

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