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Jimin's phone chimed multiply times as he received a continuous stream of messages he turned the phone off just as Jin hung up his own.

"Jimin-" Hosoek hummed a little as he started to come to he held his head. Jin quickly shutting his mouth.


"You awake?"

"I feel dead." The boy replied tossing his head back looking up at the roof of the car.

"Hangovers do that to you."

Hangovers? I don't remember drinking that much with Namjoon...

When did Jimin get in the front?

"Yah...Jimin." the younger closed his eyes pretending to sleep his head falling and jolting back up every now and then.

Hoseok got up leaning through the two seats. He waved a hand in front of his face.

"Yah sit back and put on your seatbelt."

"What did your dad jokes knock him out?" Just as Hoseok started to move Jin slammed on the breaks send him forward again.

He quickly held out his arm in front of Jimin.


"Oops thought I saw a squirrel."

"What are you a dog?" Hoseok whispered under his breath.

"No, I'm an Alpaca." Jimin opened his eyes staring at Jin's reflection as his signature windshield wiper laughter filled the car.

"What does that even mean?"

"Don't worry about it." The older continued to giggle as they finally arrived at the airport.

Hoseok got out of the car and stretch grabbing his bag from the trunk.

Jin whispered to Jimin while he reached down as if he had dropped something.

"He won't rememer what happened for the time being... So just-"

"I got it just leave it alone put him asleep through the flight and I'll watch him." Jimin opened the car door.

"But after this I'm done."
"Jimin.." The boy slammed the car door heading inside. Hoseok jumped a little at the noise before walking over to Jin who was getting his stuff.

"What was that about."

"Not sure... I think they're fighting again." Jin lied

"Let's go vacation is over and it's time to get back to work."

"...Great~." The younger said sarcastically following the other.
From then in everything was fine the plan ride went smooth except for the thoughts of one boy in particular.

Yoongi pondered over the entire ride to the airport.

Why couldn't he read Namjoon, or anyone else in the car.

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