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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Jimin asked as Hoseo kstuffed their luggage in the trunk.

"Too late to turn back now. I told you I don't want him here alone."

"I'm just making sure... How do you feel?"

"It's nothing, I'm just curious to what he has to say."

"What if you see your mo-" the boy slammed the trunk closed

"She won't show her face I'm sure of it."

"Hey, whats taking so long we'll miss our flight!" Jungkook hung out the window staring at the two.

"You're riding with Jin?" Jimin nodded

"Since Namjoon promised he'd leave him alone if he agreed to come with us. But that literally ends tomorrow." Hoseok chuckled.

"I guess we know whose rooming with him then."

"Don't be a dick."

"I'm not a dick, I have one though... a bi-." Jimin walked away.

"Where are you going?" The older called out and without turning around the other flicked him off.


As they drove the radio blasted while they sang along.

"And I'm Sexy like a porn star!"

"Turn that shit off!" Namjoon leaned up from the backseat trying to hit the power button.

When they arrived they all stared in aw.

"Woah this place is huge!"

They got their bags out of the car and headed inside.

"I'll go check us in." Jimin walked off followed by Hoseok. Yoongi watched as they talked at the desk. He couldn't help but remember what Jimin had said about being replaced and he felt sad when a voice brought him back from his thoughts.

"Yoongi check this out they have an outdoor bath connected to the mountain."


"Why am I in the same room with him?!" Jin yelled gaining the attention of a few passers-by.

"Calm down." Jimin tried to persuade the older who in turn held out his fist. The boys stared at his clenched hand.

"You're acting like a child." Hoseok folder his arm

"안 내면 진거 가위 바위 보! " everyone's fist shot out at Jin's sudden call. He groaned placing his hand over his face.

"You bitched about it and still lost. Talk about luck."

"He said he won't bother you, remember...the bet?" Jin sighed


"Aren't you being a little harsh?" Taehyung asked while leaning on a nearby pillar. Namjoon quickly spoke up.

"It's fine...just leave it." He flashed a sad smile before grabbing a room key from Jimin and walking off on his own.

"What was that?" In all their time around each other Namjoon had never just...left things. the boys watched him disappear around the corner.

"I'll go talk to him...you guys go ahead we'll meet up for dinner." Saying this the boy sprinted after the other.

"Aw...I wish I could be friends with my Ex could've saved me a lot of trouble." Jimin said lifting his bag off the ground.

"Ex?" Yoongi finally chimed in as if everything else up until that point hadn't interested him.

"Yeah Hobi and Joonie dated a while back." Jimin looked at the boy who was frowning his brow.

"You didn't know?!" Taehyung and Jungkook gawked as the boy shook his head.

There was really a lot of things Yoongi didn't know about the boy and even though he wanted to know everything what right did he have when had pushed him away.

[Hey guys quick sidenote 가위 바위 ! (gawi bawi bo!) As you may know is Rock paper scissors...but it's actually said Scissors paper rock.


내면 진거
(an naemyon jingo)

Is "If you don't, you lose".

Yeah 내면 진거 가위 바위 ! Translates to "if you don't participate you lose!" And there's a version where you play with both hands so if you wanna know the chant for that just tell me..

Now you know😂💙💛💜]

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