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Yoongi froze.

"Hi suga." Yoongi shuddered at the pet name the man had given him. Whenever he used it. It always meant hell for the boy.

The man got up from his seat walking towards Yoongi staggering ever few steps the boy reflexively backed until he hit a wall. He smelled of nothing but cigarettes and alcohol it was strong enough to make the boy nauseous his clothes looked as if he had been into a fight His eyes were bloodshot.

He reached out which caused Yoongi to flinch a little. Taking the boy's hand in his he guided him over to the couch sitting him down.

"Did you have fun today sweetness?" Yoongi hesitated before nodding slightly.

" That good.." The man sudden wrapped his arm around the boy causing him to jump.

"Relax.. Cant, you smile at me for once?" His voice was soft as if was talking to a little child.

Yoongi flashed a smile with little to no emotion at all he was terrified.

"I wanna show you something." saying that he reached down picking up a medium sized envelope holding it in front of the boy's face.

"Do you know what's inside here?" Yoongi shook his head.

"I can't hear you...use your words." The younger swallowed hard before opening his mouth.

"N-no." The man smirked opening the envelope. Yoongi's eyes grew wide as the man pulled out picture after picture of him and Hosoek smiling together as they were out as well as some of the entire group.

He stared at the pictures afraid of what the man would do.

"Can you smile like that at me and touch me?" the younger didn't respond. The man sighed.

"Alright go wash up." Yoongi was shocked as the man leaned back covering his face. he didn't hesitate he stood up wanting to get as far away from the man as he possibly could.

He turned his back to the man making his way to the stairs when something hard hit him on his head with a crash sending to the ground.

The man had thrown a beer bottle.

The man now towered over the boy who was cradling the back of his head in his hand.

"You ungrateful little shit!" The man yelled.

"I told you are mine! How dare you touch someone else with that smile... that smile!" The man's face was red with anger Yoongi looked up with pure hatred in his eyes. The man grew even angrier.

He loosened his tie pulling it off from on side.

"You never learn..."

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now