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The group walked out of the courthouse a huge weight lifted off of their shoulders.

Hoseok and Yoongi were still holding hands until the got outside. Hoseok took his hand away to Yoongi's surprise.

"You can stay at my house is you want.. I cleared a room for you it's yours if you want." At that moment his phone rang he looked at the caller Id and frowned. " He walked off without saying a word holding the device to his ear.

Jimin knew what the frown meant. He walked over to where the boy had gone. Yoongi watched as he felt a ting in his heart... he felt jealous but he kept his emotions to himself.

Jin walked up behind him clapping him gentle on the shoulder.

"What do you want?" Hoseok hissed in the receiver.

"Come now can't a mother call her son without some alterer motive?" Hoseok liked his lips.

"A loving mother yes...You just some bitch that popped me out...Now I'm going to ask you again What. do. you. want?" He heard a long sigh on the other end.

"I know you're coming down next month. Your father isn't doing so well you should stop by to see him." Jimin was slowly walking a few feet away from the boy with his hands behind his back... watching he was bound to lose his temper during one of these phone calls.

"How is that my problem?" Hoseok's face contorted

"Look you ungrateful little shit...if it were up to me I would've been abandoned you. But that's one thing that half dead bastard wouldn't do. Just come see him then you can leave."

"Yo-! Hello!?" The woman had hung up the phone. Hoseok removed it from his ear he starting huffing Jimin stopped walking and stretched his hands out in front of him.

"FUCK!!" Hoseok screamed gaining the attention of the others around him.

"H-hobi calm down!" The boy was wringing his phone in his hands he dropped to his knees talking to his mother always brought back angry memories.

He looked around and noticed Yoongi looking at him. He sighed reaching into his pocket he pulled out his keys handing hem to Jimin.

"Take him home.. whichever one he chooses." Hoseok took off his shirt throwing it to the ground and running down the street the others watched as he flew passed them

"Hoseok wait." Jimin ran his hand over his head before running to the others.

"What happened?" Jin asked to which Jimin just shook his head

"Yoongi... what are you going to do?"

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