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Yoongi stayed asleep the entire ride back to Hoseok's. The younger constantly stealing glances at his sleeping face when his phone chimed. Yoongi stirred still keeping his eyes closed. Hoseok grabbed his phone seeing a text from Jimin.

I have your stuff I'll bring it by later.

As he was typing his phone chimed two more times.

Hyung! Why'd you leave~?

You know Jin's pissed right?

Hoseok sighed putting the phone in the cup holder he really needed to change the contact names they'd choosen for each other.

After a few minutes he pulled into his driveway the rain was now a gentle drizzle he got out of the car going straight to his door punching in the code leaving it open he jogged back to the car for Yoongi. Carrying him inside to his room.

The one place that was destroyed he placed him on is bed before going to the thermostat and  turning on the heat he went to a hallway closet grabbing extra blankets he draped them over the sleeping older who must've been extremely exhausted.

Hoseok quickly got changed before heading downstairs. He picked up his phone ordering take out and began clean his mess.

Yoongi moaned as he sat up. Looking around the room he realized he was in Hoseok's bed. Next to him a small bag with a note:

"Go wash and put these on.


Throwing the covers aside he slid of the bed. His clothes still soaked. He tiptoed down the hallway to the stairs  he squatted peaking through the railing as he watched Hoseok scurrying back and forth from different parts of the room when the doorbell rang. 

The younger hurried over to it..Yoongi heard mumbling before he returned holding a large paperbag setting on the small tablet in front of the couch.

"How long are you going to watch me? Come down." Hoseok turned around making eye contact with Yoongi's eyes went wide just how long did he know the boy was there?

"Please." Hoseok looked at the boy with sad is as he slowly nodded he nervously made his was down the stairs Hoseok's eyes following until he was standing a little ways away.

"I thought told you to wash up and change? You'll catch a cold if you stay like that." His voice was soft nothing like one he'd used when he screamed.

Yoongi avoided eye contact.

Hoseok took a step forward while Yoongi took as step back out of reflex. The younger sighed.

" Go wash off first then we can talk hmm?" The older did move. Hoseok walked toward him slowly this time Yoongi stayed still. The younger took his hand

"Come on." The older didn't fight because deep down he was happy to be next to Hoseok again but was terrified at the same time. They entered the bathroom.

Hoseok turned on the water. He made sure it was nice and warm before turning back to the older.

"Take off your clothes."

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