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[Make sure you guys play the video while reading...Enjoy!💙💛💜]


"She died."

" How?"

"It's not my place to tell you that." Yoongi walked dragging his feet as he recalled his conversation with Jimin. He heaved a deep sigh as he entered their classroom he glanced around looking for Hoseok but he wasn't there.

Yoongi looked at his phone checking the time there was still time before class begun he sat in his seat and waited.

Time passed students piled into the room taking their seats as Jin entered still the younger did not show. The bell rang Hoseok's seat being the only on empty. Jin noticed and looked at Jimin who simply waved his hand in front of his neck.

He gave a slight nod and proceeded with the lesson. Yoongi was stuck in his own thoughts not paying attention soon enough the bell rang again dismissing everyone for lunch..Yoongi packed his things getting up to leave he noticed Jimin Tae Jungkook and Namjoon still sitting in their desk watching Jin clean off the board.

Ignoring his curiosity he kept walking.. Exiting the building he took a deep breath and head to the cafeteria.

"Where did he go?..I have to apologize...right?....Yeah I should." Yoongi continued walking having an internal battle with himself about what he should do.

He took a step stopping it in midair. He turned his head staring at the old building the younger had ran into the other day. Without a second thought the older made his way to it making sure no one saw him going inside. Walking in the door slammed behind him causing the clank of the metal to echo throughout the halls.

Yoongi immediately headed for the roof. As he tiptoed up the stairs he could hear the faint sounds of music playing. The music got louder as he moved closer to the source. Until he was standing in front of a door he was sure it was coming from.

Yoongi slowly slid the door to the side peaking in. His eyes widen in amazement as he saw the younger dancing full of emotion.

He continued to watch until the end. Hoseok body glistened in the sunlight as beads of sweat want down his face and neck. Yoongi stared loosing himself as he admired the younger when his phone suddenly went of drawing attention to his presence he fumbled silencing the device but it was to late.

The door was thrown to the side Hoseok stared down at the older in his crouched position causing him to loose balance falling on his bottom.

"What are you doing here?" He hissed.

"Y-you weren't in class s-so I came to look for you." Yoongi's voice shook as he tried to play cool his attempt failing.

"Leave." Hoseok stepped over him heading to the roof.

"Hoseok...wait." Yoon give called has he stood up running after the older.

"Hoseok!" The younger kept walking ignoring then other's attempt to talk to him.

"I'm sorry... I had no ide-" Yoongi's thoughts were interrupted as his back was rammed into the wall.

"What do you know?! Nothing! Not a damn thing."

"I know you're hurting...I don't know what happened....but Eun passing-" Hoseok punched the wall next to Yoongi's head.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Hoseok screamed his voice shaking the entire building.

"I don't want to see your face anymore. From now on you don't know me and I don't know you. Got it? I won't say it again."

With that Hoseok walked away leaving the boy alone..Yoongi slid down the wall as tears began to spill from his eyes as the echo of Hoseok's shoes tapping against the tile faded into the distance.

[Guys!!! What did you think of the chapter? Let me know..

I value each and everyone of your opinions...

Also...I'm sure yall know I don't on the video but I have to say it anyway all credit to Bighit Entertainment as well as BTS.
Okay? We Gucci?

That being said I love you - Sashii💙💛💜]

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