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"He's definitely pushing me away." Jimin stared out the window.

"Maybe...Just give him some space he'll come around eventually.

" Maybe he doesn't feel the same way." The younger sighed turning to the other.

"Don't assume things.Just wait"


"Okay I can do this.....No I cant....Okay I got this.. mmm no I don't." The others watched at Yoongi who was walking back and forth talking to himself.

"How long has he been doing this?" The all stared except for Hoseok who did come in yet.

"A full 20 minutes." Namjoon whispered

"Maybe we should just go." Jin shook his head.

"Not until he says he wants to leave. The group was standing in front of the courtroom were Yoongi's Foster dad was having his trial hearing.

Yoongi was scared but he felt like he needed that closure. He continued walking to and from the door placing his hand on it the yanking it away starting the whole process again.

Hosoek finally came in with shades hiding his eyes. He watched the boy go up to the door then turn around.

He walked passed the others as Yoongi turned away from the door he grabbed the boy's hand giving it a gentle squeeze before leading the boy to the door again he looked over his shoulder the older giving him a small nod.

Hoseok pushed the door open and they made their way to some seats far in the back so they weren't noticed. When the man came out he made eye contact with the boy his body began to shake violently.

Hoseok immediately wrapped his arms around the older puling him closer. he whispered in his ear.

"I'm right here...he can't hurt you anymore. I'll be right here to protect you ...always. The boy swallowed hard and didn't let go of his hand the entire hearing. The man was sentenced to life with no chance of parole.

Yoongi's heart soared he was finally free from that monster.

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