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What's your relationship with Jimin?

Jin crossed his legs in thought.

"You will find out soon enough." 😉

How do you feel about namjoon?

Jin: "He's a pest I've been stuck with for years."


Is Yoongi yours yet?

Hoseok laughs loud his hands vibrating together.

"Always and forever 💛" *wraps arm around Yoongi as he blushes*


When did you find out your abilities?

"When I was younger I-"
Hoseok covered the boy's mouth cutting off his words

"Pass! No one gets to know until I know! Mwahaha!"

Why are you so closed off about certain thinks with Hoseok?

Yoongi sighed his cheeks puffed out.

"They're are a lot of things I have come to terms with and I'm afraid to share those things at this time."

Hoseok reached out grabbing his lover's hand in reassurance

The others cooed at their softness.

"Got to hell."


Will you ever give up on Jin?

Namjoon pulled Jin's stool closer to embracing him.

"Never in a million years!" 

"Yah! Do you want another handprint?! Let go!."

"I just said never."

Is Jin a Good kisser?

Namjoon: The best...

Taehyung: How would you know?

Namjoon: *Opens his mouth closing again awkwardly before looking away.*

Jungkook: Wait a mi-

Jin: We are supposed to be answering questions from the readers. Not each other. Next

When did you give the Absinthe to Hobi?

Yoongi sat up straight.
"That Absinthe was Namjoon's?"



Why are you so indifferent towards Taehyung and Jungkook?

Jimin folded his arms turning his head away.
"I am anything but indifferent."

How are you so cute?

Jungkook &Taehyung * looking at Jimin* Yeah?!

Jimin: *Mochi smiles looking down while blushing*

All: uwu


Why do you drink so much?

"I do it cause it's fun there's nothing wrong with that."

Jimin & Taehyung *cough cough*



Who's your boyfriend Jungkook or Jimin?

Jungkook and Jimin turned to face the boy who sat between them.

Taehyung sank down in his seat.
"Do I really need to answer this now?"

The too boys huffed turning back to the front.


HopesForSope86 & user19093746

Check chapter 69 my dears💙

Why do you hate red hearts so much?

Red heart are the spawn of Satan. I have nothing against the color red itself just red heart... and I hate they're the only ones allowed when posting on my message board that's why I try to use the hollow ones as much as possible if available at the time.


What have you the idea for this story?

Well it started with my first story that I was writing it had a Psychic element to it but the overall story wants good so I scrapped it and decided to make everyone have a deeper relationship something they'd all relate to. And I wanted to create a problem that someone could ask themselves you know "what would you do if you knew your soulmate was going to die?" You'd do anything in your power to protect them and to stop it right? And I like a lot of supernatural and mythical things....did I answer your question 😂 I honestly feel like I didn't sorry!

This isn't really a question but... I think ur amazing. :3

Thank you so much!  You are such a sweetheart I send a million rose to you🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

How are you so perfect?

Awe thank you but I'm anything but perfect...honestly if I were perfect I think my life would be boring with no variety. I feel like if someone was "perfect" they'd  crave to make a mistake.

Thank you to everyone who asked questions at anytime if you have more just comment under her and we'll come back to them LOVE YOU GUYS 💛💚💙💜

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