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Hoseok stared at the back of Yoongi's head praying that he'd turn around and acknowledge him but the boy kept his attention on whatever he was scribbling.

Hoseok began to get frustrated.

Dammit... just turn around.. he thought..turn around...turn around come on...TURN AROUND! He yelled in his thoughts. The boy suddenly jumped turning back to glare at Hoseok.

Hoseok relaxed his tense body. Had he actually heard him? Yoongi frowned turning back to what he was doing.

Hoseok felt excitement in his chest like a burning sensation but it was pleasant... He leaned over the desk even more tucking his feet under him.

He looked at the instructor who was currently falling asleep his head bobbing from side to side.

He let his teeth graze his bottom lip before shifting his attention back on the boy. He took a deep breath and thought of the only sentence he could think to say...

"Hey...Can you hear me?" He waited for a response...seconds that felt like an eternity as he watched the boy closely hearing him sigh and watching him press his tongue on the inside of his jaw.

"Yes I can hear you..now fuck off." Hoseok eyes opened wide. He'd heard him... without thinking he sprung out of his seat causing the chair to fall over with a bang scaring the instructor awake.

"YAH! What's your problem!" Hoseok quickly came to his senses and bowed before picking up his chair and planting his but on it with a soft thud.

He looked at the clock...he needed answers. They still had well over two hours left. He couldn't wait that long. He squirmed in his chair trying to be patient. His leg wiggled up and down as the time seemed to go painfully slow. He couldn't take it he decided to do it again..

"Hey...Psssst...Hey." Yoongi rolled his eye ignoring the


"What do you want?!"

Hoseok covered his mouth stifling his giggles.

"To talk."

"Mmm..too bad.. I told you to fuck off! Now shut up and leave me alone."

"Wait...come on...just for a little bit." He pleaded but there was no answer only silence. He waited...and waited... and waited until the instructor stood up and stretched looking at his watch.

He ran his hand through his hair then nodded.

"Alright you two... I got things to do. You can leave.. I won't tell if you dont." With that the he picked up his briefcase and left the two alone. Yoongi neatly packed up his things and quickly left the classroom.

"Hey! Wait up!" Hoseok messily dumped everything in his bag throwing it over his shoulder chasing after the other.

"Hey I said wait up!" He called running after the boy who was surprisingly fast despite his short legs.
"Leave me alone."

"I just want to talk!" "I tried talking to you yesterday." Yoongi continued to walk at a fast pace when he was suddenly pulled back.

Hoseok had finally caught up grabbing the older's arm whipping him around to face him there bodies only a few centimeters apart.

"Look I'm sorry." He huffed trying to catch his breath. He let go of the other before continuing.

"Yesterday... I was in shock I didn't know there was someone else...like me except for..." Hoseok's voice trailed off for a moment.

"A-anyway. Let me make it up to you." Yoongi looked up skeptical of the other's intentions.

"What do you like...coffee...pizza.. ice cream?"

Yoongi thought for a minute.

"Got any beer?" Hoseok blinked for a minute before responding.

"Y-Yeah I got beer. Let's go." Hoseok practical ran to his car while the other followed. Yoongi stopped as the other jogged over to the driver side.

"What are you doing? Get in." With that Yoongi got in the passenger seat. Hoseok didn't waste any time quickly reaching over pulling the seat belt over Yoongi's body.

Yoongi was taken aback as the melon scent from the younger's hair floated up his nose.

Hoseok made sure the belt was secured and comfortable before sitting back in his own seat.

"All set." Placing the car in reverse he pulled out of his parking space and sped of down the road.

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