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I'll help you.

Those words rang though Hoseok ears.

"W-what if it doesn't work?"

"Alright how about this...If it doesn't work I'll give you back you liquor and buy it for you whenever you want...BUT if it does work you have to do something for me. "

Hoseok sat silent for a long while just staring at the other's hand when Yoongi broke the silence.

"You have nothing to loose from trying right?" Hoseok nodded before sighing and grabbing his hand.

"Screw it...deal." Yoongi smiled helping Hoseok to his


"What now?"

"Can I.... just... have one more shot?" Hoseok looked a the older while pouting.

"Fuck it.. just one more. Got it." Hoseok smiled brightly before going to the counter pulling out two shot glasses and filling them.

"Yah I said one!"

"I heard what you said. This one isn't for me it's for you."

"Nope I'm good."

"Come on just one."

" I've never tried it don't people call that shit liquid death or something."

"Damn right.. and don't knock it till you try it." Hoseok held out the tiny glass to the older.

"Aw what the hell." Yoongi took the glass tapping them together before throwing it back.

"Huh? That wasn't so baaaaaaaaahhhh." Yoongi screamed as he slide to the floor.

"Holy son of a motherfuck! It BUUURRNNS!!"

Hoseok laughed at the wails of the older.

"It's not that bad."

"Oh Fuck you its not that bad oh god its worse when you breath!" After a few minutes The boy fell silent not moving causing Hoseok to worry

"H-hey...you okay." He nudged the motionless boy with foot. There was still no movement.

"Oh Fuck me! You better not be dead." He said kneeling down holding the boy in his arms checking to see if he's

"Oy! Wake up!" The younger started shaking the other's body but gained no reactions.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit! What do I do!"

Hoseok began frantically looking around when he heard snicker below him. He looked at the boys face closely his lips twitching trying not to laugh. He couldn't hold it anymore.

"Pffftt!" Yoongi burst out laughing. Hoseok dropped the boy's body.

"Asshole!" Yoongi rolled around on the ground.

"Yah! You should've seen your face...oh my god."

Yoongi stood up bracing himself on the wall while holding his side.

"I see why it's called liquid death it makes you wanna die going down." Hoseok stared at the boy not amused.

"I feel like I'm in the land of milk and cookies." He laughed when suddenly his face got serious.

Hoseok braced himself.

"W-what's wrong."

"It's hot."

"I feel fi-!" Hoseok stopped his words as he saw Yoongi quickly striping in his kitchen.

"Woah!What the hell are you doing?!"

"I told you I was hot." He said throwing his shirt at the younger it landing over his face. He ripped the shirt away only to find Yoongi had disappeared and leaving his pants where he had been standing.

"Yah! Put your clothes back on!" Hoseok grabbed the boys clothes running back to the living room. He tip toed looking around.

"Yoongi~ where are you~?" He cooed when he heard giggling coming from behind the couch

"Gotcha!" Hoseok jumped behind the sofa facing Yoongi who screamed and ran the opposite direction.

"Dammit I regret everything right now. Come back you midget!" Hoseok chased the almost completely naked Yoongi around the whole house until he hide.

"Fuck Yoongi where are you?!"

Now upstairs Hoseok searched every room, closet and bathroom but still no Yoongi. Until he heard the beating of the door being open.


He threw the clothes on the bed and flew down the stairs and out the door to find Yoongi running down his the driveway waving his arm and whaling it was now raining.

"This is punishment for something I did in my past life isn't it..Fuck my life." He chased after the boy.

"Fast little fucker!"

He finally caught up to the the older wrapping his arms around his small frame which made him squeal like a little kid. Hoseok threw him over his shoulder taking him back into the house. Without stopping he headed up to his room.

He entering the bathroom he set the boy down.

"Don't move."

He said sternly turning on the water. He took off his shirt throwing it aside waiting for the tub to fill. Checking the temperature he turn the water off. Turning back to Yoongi.

"Get in."

[Hey guys what do you think so far let me know.

I'm needy show me love and attention....Lol Jk.

Things are getting pretty steamy.... Sashii💙💛💜]

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