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"I'm Min Yoongi... I'm just like you."
Hoseok started at the pale hand held out to him. He pushed it away walking pass the older towards the door.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said in clear denial. Yoongi closed his hand leaving it in the air before bring it down to his pockets. Surely he must have felt it too....couldn't he hear his thoughts?

He turned to confront Hoseok but he was already gone. He sighed.

"Fuck it I'm not doing anymore running today.." he said as he casually strolled off the roof and out of the building.

By the time Hoseok had returned the final bell had already rung. He'd completely missed his last lesson and was sure Jimin had made some story up to cover for him. He made his way to his car still thinking about Yoongi's word.

"I'm just like you."

Nah...couldn't be...there's no way.

He got in his car starting up. He was so deep in thought that he didn't notice he'd walked right pass Jimin and Tae and that they were sitting in the car with him.

The stared at him confused not knowing how to react to the fire ball of energy that always had a big smile now plagued with various expressions all at once. He looked like he was reenacting the last scene in the "Emoji Movie" when Meh made different faces as he was scanned.
[Sorry for the spoiler if you haven't seen that movie yet...My bad💙💜]

As he pulled out he made eye contact with a certain empath who stood smirking on the sidewalk watching the car disappear down the road.

Hoseok got out of his car and walked to his front door all the while shaking his head no leaving Jiminy and Tae in the driveway dumbfounded. Entering his house he kicks off his shoes going straight to the fridge and grabbed a beer chugging it down... he he paced back and forth all through the house.

He imagined it right? He touched his lips replaying the scene on the roof over and over again. Why would some else show up now? Did it have something to do with that dream. Just who exactly was this Min Yoongi...and what did he want.

Hoseok consumed beer after beer as he racked his brain on what he should do.... soon enough the beers didn't effect him any more.

He stumbled to the fridge he scanned the shelves beers staring him in the face. He would need something stronger...much stronger closing the the door he made his way over to the cupboard he search frantically until he found it.

"Absinthe" he pulled the skull shaped bottle down and made his way up to his room knocking over the empty bottles and cans that littered the floor. He throws his head back gulping down a bit of the drink as his feet hit ever step with a thud.

Pushing his bedroom door he set the container on the dresser and throws himself on the bed...Closing his eyes.


Hoseok's eyes fluttered open at the sound of loud bang on his front door. He slowly sat up his feelings like he'd be hit by a semi. The banging persist annoyed he finally gets up making his way to the entrance.

Hoseok snatched the door open reveling a bunny, giant floating Mochi and some Anime character he never knew the name of. Still hallucinating.... He blinked a couple of times leaning closer to get a better look until the figures because human.

"The hell happened to you?" Jimin said before pushing his way pass the older leading the way for the others

"We've been out there for hou-" They froze looking at the pile of beer cans on the floor.

"Holy shit...this place is a dump." Jungkook said while kicking through the

"Shh....your too loud...why are you hear anyway?" Tae looked around.

"Well we came to check on you... you seemed a little off...you even left Kookie behind."

"Yah! I'm blaming all of you for that."

"Oi hyung haven't you heard that first impressions are everthing...from the outside the place look amazing but on the inside..."

"Shut up" Hoseok finally found his voice.

"l did that last night." The boys stared back at the older.

"All of these?" He sighed the last thing he want was them in his house but they were here now nothing he could do.

"Yeah... I'm gonna go shower."

"Hurry up we already missed half of the day." Hoseok waved them off before heading to his shower.


Hoseok trotted downstairs to find the three boys sitting on the couch and the bottles and cans no where in sight.


"Oh we threw them out." Jimin quickly stated before nudging Tae who sat with a blank stare.

"What? Oh right yeah... we'd never been inside before we wanted to see how it looked without....all the...trash.." his voice trailed of as Jungkook and Jimin stared him in the face as if saying

"That's the best you could do?" He stood up changing the subject." We should get going! Jin's gonna give us hell.. might as well get it over with." Saying this he darted out the door and the others followed.

Hoseok tilted his head in suspicion before grabbing his keys and locking the door. He placed a pair of shades on before walking to his car the others piling in.

"So what happened yesterday?" Hoseok continued for a long time without saying anything.

"I met someone."

[So here's a video about Absinthe I don't own this video there is mature language and stuff soooo yeah..have fun ]

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