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Cafeteria ~Min Yoongi~

Yoongi had been sitting alone earning flirtatious stares and giggles from girls and a few boys near him.

Ignoring them he continued to eat until one finally gained the courage to approach him...He rolled his eyes as the girl stood next to him fiddling with the hem of her skirt. He was anything but interested in what she had to say.

"That's right babe...fall right for my innocent act. I'll make you mine soon enough" the girl thought unbeknownst to her that Yoongi could hear everything.

Yoongi scoffed placing his fork on the side of the tray looking at the girl as she continued her facade.

"Heh... Sorry sweetheart..." He slowly rose from his seat and stood facing the girl.

"You're not my type." He leaned in real close and whispered in her ear.

"I'm not in to vindictive manipulative bitches that think they can get anything they want with a pretty face." She gasped from the sensation of his lips brushing against her ear his words choking her.

He slowly shifted backwards looking the girl in her eyes. "Walk away" he said and she did so immediately as if she was in a trance.

He sat back down picking up his fork he eyed his plate....he threw the utensil back on the tray in disgust. He had lost his appetite. Grabbing the left over food he headed over to the ben discarding with the rest of the rubbish.... when suddenly there was a loud bang.

"Control it....Control it...!" Someone was screaming but... who? He looked around before something suddenly hit his shoulder knocking him back a little. Now turned in the direction of what had bombarded his space..he faced a flustered Hoseok who quickly bowed and ran out the door.

"Barstard could've at least seen if I was alright" the older said rolling his shoulder back while rubbing it. He made his way to the Infirmary he stood waiting for the nurse to return with ice... the last of it had been taken by the boy who wanted to have sex with their teacher...he sat on the bed nursing a bright red handprint on his cheek.

Yoongi looked around the room when something caught his attention outside darting across the grass to the building next door.

"Son of a bitch... where does he think he's going?" Yoongi ran out of the room ignoring the presence of the nurse who was about to walk in.

"Wait Yoongi ...You forgot your ice!" He older ran down several flights of stairs before finally reaching the exit. He quickly made his way towards the building the younger had disappeared in.

Pushing the door open he was greeted with a sheet of dust which clogged his nose. Holding his arm over his face he eased his way into the empty building.

He looked around but there was no sigh of Hoseok. Suddenly a loud thud echoed through the halls. The building shook violently.

"Shit!" Yoongi instantly plopped to the floor closing his eyes.

"Shh...relax..." he projected his thoughts out but they were drowned out as the building began shake even more. His eyes snapped opened and he roared.

"SLEEP!"... the violent shaking stopped instantaneously. He rests his back against the wall exhausted by the energy he just used. He sighs leaning he head back.

"So there's someone else....like...me..." He closes his eyes drifting off to a peaceful slumber.

Drops of water flow down planting themselves on the sleeping Yoongi's face. He stirs a little in irritation before opening his eyes to see another droplet coming to kiss his tiredness away.

He reached up to the ceiling his body releasing gentle pops from his joints. Standing up he brushes the dust and dirt off his legs and made his way up the staircase.

He could hear the staggered footsteps of the younger who he had chased here. He walked cautiously so he wouldn't fall through the worn out steps. He looked in every room he passed and still no sign of the boy. He heaved a sigh placing his hand on his hips in frustration.

He stood still slowly turning in a circle... he listened. He isolated the different sounds and thoughts around him until he heard him.

"Maybe it's time to give up being sunshine."

"Eun... I couldn't live a normal life..."

"I couldn't keep a smile everyday even though I tried I tried so hard."

He opened his eyes "The roof... Don't tell me he's-."

"I'm sorry Eun....I couldn't keep my promise."

"Shit Shit Shit Shit shit!" The older yelled as he ran up the rickety steps.

He burst through the door leading out to the roof his eyes widen as he saw Hoseok standing on the edge of the building his body swaying and his back towards him.

"DON'T JUMP!!" Hoseok's eyes snapped open as he swung his arms to keep his balance before feeling a pair of arms wrapping around his waist the momentum causing then to fall backwards.

"You can't jump"

"Shut up.. I wasn't going to jump and let go." The older realised he was still tightly holding on to the other and quickly loosened his grip

"Well, if you weren't why are you standing on the edge?" Hoseok patted the dirt of his butt and then his hands.

"What the hell is it to him whether or not I jump?"

"It matters cause you'd kill yourself." Hoseok scoffed returning to his original position to look at the ground again watching the tiny ants as they scurried around.

Then quickly whipped his head back around facing the other.

"Wait....I didn't say that out loud." The younger looking at the older in confusion.

"Didn't have to." The older wore a smirk on his face before holding out his hand.

"I'm Min Yoongi and I have a gift just... like... you."

[Okay guys, I know there was a lot going on but I hope you enjoyed it and if there something you don't understand please let me know.

I'm all about revisions and constructive criticism.

Thanks for reading! - Sashii💙💛💜]

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