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After a while the pair came back Namjoon sat in the booth smiling while Jin went in to the kitchen.

Everyone just stared at the Namjoon. "What~? I'm hungry let's hurry up and decide." Jimin's phone buzzed.

What do you guys want to eat?

He put his phone back in his pocket.

"Let's get 떡볶이 (Tteokbokki)? We can share it's quick and we can leave before the rush comes." They all nodded in agreement.

Are you not coming out?

Not right now


A couple of minutes passed before Jin came with a large pot avoiding eye contact.

"Eat up." They thanked him before he disappeared back into the kitchen.

" Hell yeah I'm starving!" Jungkook wasted no time digging in to the pot.

"You're always hungry." The group laughed as the all started eating.


"Thanks Jin it was delicious as always." The group was standing outside.

"We'll be back soon." Jin crossed his arms over his chest.

"If only I could get you to show up to class." The boys laughed nervously before returning to their sidewalk adventure.

"What should we do now." Jungkook stretched his arms up placing them behind his head.

"The arcade."

"That not a bad idea." The group continue walking when Jimin's phone vibrated in his pocket he slowed his pace letting the others get a little ahead of him.

How long till you come back?

Reading the message Jimin quickly spoke up.

" Hey I gotta take a rain check on the arcade I... forgot I had something to do today." Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

"Okay maybe next time." Yoongi flashed a smile.

"Yeah." With that Jimin ran across the street.

"It's too hot. I don't want to do anything but go home." Hoseok groaned.

"Buzz kill."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Yoongi you can go with them if you want."

"Being that you're my ride and they don't have a car I think I'm gonna go with you."

"Wow using me for free transportation."

"What else is there?"

"Oooh okay I see how it is." Hoseok crossed his arms with a fake pout. They hadn't realized the others h ad already left...

"Well they could've waited for my answer." Yoongi laughed shaking his head.

"Come on."

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now