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Hoseok walked down the empty hallway towards his room pulling the key from his pocket when everything started to spin.  It was a strange feeling nothing like the usual head-splitting pain he felt whenever he saw the scenes of Yoongi... No... this was different.

He stumbled forward reaching out for something to hold on to as his body began crashing towards the floor he sank to the ground as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

Don't fight it. A gentle whisper danced in his ears.

"W-ho's th-there?" The boy's chest heaved as he tried to catch his breath that was becoming less and less.

Shh...It's alright. It'll all be over soon. The voice was unfamiliar he tried to move failing as his body refused to obey him.

A hand stroked the back of his neck before fully grasping it he felt each finger wrapping around the side the touch was gentle but the feeling it caused was anything but. the boy began relaxing unable to continue fighting the sensation it felt as if thousands of tiny needles penetrated his skin his body becoming cold.

His heartbeat slowed with each beat his body pulsed at the same rate.

"W-what are you d-doing to me?" Hoseok choked the words out his face now resting on the floor.

My client wants what you have and my job's to get it by any means. Even if I have to kill you to get it. Hoseok lay limp his mind still wondering.

Yoo-. No if I do that he'll be in trouble. His eyes slowly fell shut.


Jin? No! Don't come! Run away! Hoseok pleaded in his heart the pressing feeling suddenly yanked away followed by a loud thud and a groan.

"Who are you?!"

"Jin! Hobi!" 

  Jimin? what's going on?  

"Fuck!?" Hoseok felt pressure on the back of his neck again. A new sensation washed over him replacing taking away the pain replacing it with warmth.

He mind went blank as he let the feeling envelop him his consciousness finally slipping away.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now