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"Almost the entire day wasted on who knows what..." the four boys sat infrony of Jin looking down as they were being scolded.

"I give you guys way more leeway than any other students and you're taking advantage of that!"

"YEAH!" The boys turned around to see Namjoon leaning against the wall a large bandage covering his cheek. Jin scoffed

"What do you want?" "I came to see my favorite tea-"

"Get out" the four boys knelt down creeping towards the door.

"Not you...You." Jin pointed at Namjoon and the four boys sighed standing up and moving back to their previous positions.

"Awe what?! why me?"

"Because you irk my nerves now get. As for you four...detention." With that Jin grabbed his belongings and walked out of the office.

"SeokJin~ wait for me~." Namjoon whined as he chased after the older.

Jimin groaned running his hands through his hair.

"Let's go." One by one the filed out of the office heading to their classroom. Hoseok walked at a slow pace falling behind the others. As the entered the room Hoseok's eyes immediately sweeped over the room in search for the bright blue hair which wasn't there.

Hoseok felt a little disappointed as he made his way to his seat.

Wait why do I care if he's here or not...He's just some weird kid that followed me yesterday....that's it..right?

Due to his hangover Hoseok couldn't care less about what the instructor had to say....his eyelids grew heavy and soon enough he was in a deep sleep.

When he opened them again he was standing in  black space engulfed by nothingness.

He took a couple of steps forward before tripping landing with his hands in front of him he patted the ground the feeling of warm liquid surrounding his body.

He continued waving his hands in the unknown substance until on brushed up against something... he pressed down slightly the object was both soft and firm and was wrapped up in some kind of cloth.

He continued squeezing until he heard a groan....his hands froze...there was a bang the room was now full of light. He looked down seeing his hands stained with red next to him a limp body that had produced the liquid... the sound of quiet cries reached his ears. He slowly looked up seeing the back of a young boy..

"H-Hey kid you okay?" He called receiving no response. He stood up cautiously walking towards the crying child until the gap between them was only a few inches away he knelt back down again.

"Are you alone?" The boy's cries began to turned psychotic laughter as he slowly turned around to face Hoseok.

Hoseok's eyes grew wide as he realised he was starting  at his younger self...the younger version point a gun to his chest. No sound  came out as the trigger was pulled.

Hoseok  jumped from his sleep greeted by the final bell for dismissal. He rubbed his hands across his chest where he was shot...even though it was a dream it felt so real.

Throwing the strap to his bag over his shoulder he head to the door where he found his usual mini mob waiting for him.

"You look like hell." Jungkook said as his bunny smile rested on his face.

"Shut it." Jimin snapped as they started walking.

"What's the plan now."

"We could go back to my place my parents are out of town." Jungkook suggested and the nodded in agreement.


"Detention." The boys stopped in their tracks all simultaneously facing the older.

"We're not actually going are we?!" Tae huffed.

"You don't...but I am." They all pouted.

"Jin's not gonna do anything if we don't go."

"Like I said you don't have to come."

"You-!" Jimin started to protest when Tae tugged on his sleeve signaling him to stop.

He heaved a sigh.

"Alright Hobi we'll see you later." With that the walked in the opposite direction heading to the exit. Hoseok continued down the now empty corridor.

He stood in front of the door for a moment before going in.

"Welcome to hell where you'll be spending the next 3 hours." Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"Take a seat anywhere you'd like." Being a creature of habit the boy quickly headed over to the desk in the far back next to the window.

He slung his body you in the chair slouching he tilted his head to the roof.

A few minutes had passed when he heard the door open and close. He didn't bother looking he figured it was the guys he thought they'd show up eventually...

"Welcome to hell..." he drowned out the rest of the instructor's pathetic excused of trying to dishearten them.

He finally lifted his head and to his surprise his gaze met the bright blue hair that he so eagerly searched for its owner now in front of him.

He quickly straighten himself staring at the older. His heart tinging with a slight happiness.

Yoongi scoffed and walked to a desk at the very front of the room close to the door. Trying to get as far away from Hoseok as he possibly could given the circumstances.

Hoseok licked his lips. Why was he happy to see the odd kid from before. He leaned on his arm instead of watching the clouds he watched how the boy's blue hair swayed and reflecting the light.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now