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The was a light tap if on the door as the two embraced but neither pulled away. after a while, the light knocking turned into a harsh banging.

"YAHH, come on I want to go to the beach!" Hoseok sighed it releasing Yoongi and opening the door there stood none other than the very hyper bunny.

"What the hell Is your problem? We're not the only ones here you know?"

"I know but they sent me to get you." Saying this Jungkook pointed down the hall where 3 heads disappeared around the corner.

He sighed again before Yoongi walked over peering over his shoulder.

"We'll be right out 5 minutes okay?" the younger rolled his eyes walking back to down the hallway.


As they reached the beach Jungkook and Taehyung wasted no time removing their shirts and running towards the ocean Namjoon following behind.

One by one there made their way onto the fluffy white sand. Yoongi laid out his towel while Hoseok and Jimin watched the others got lightly tossed by the waves.

Jimin sighed unconsciously Hoseok following his gaze which rested on Namjoon.

"Where's Jin?" Jimin's body stiffened at the sudden question. The older taking notice

"T-there's a cooking class at the hotel. I-I think he might be there." His words trailed off

"Your lying sucks." The boy chuckled slightly.

"He's around here somewhere...Do you think Joonie's okay?"

"Not a chance in hell. I never seen him give up so easily...He's forcing himself to smile even though he's hurting."

"Whose hurting?" The three boy turned their heads in the direction of the sudden outburst.

"Speaking of the devil." Hoseok said sarcastically as he turned his head back to the ocean.

"It's nothing." Jimin said bluntly.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out waving his arms back and forth Namjoon turned his attention to the other's as his eyes met Jin's his smile immediately disappearing but quickly coming back.

"I'm going to get a drink?" Making his to shore he walked in the direction of the small smoothe shack down the beach.

Jin started to go after the boy but was stopped himself.

"Aren't you guys going to get in the water?" Yoongi suggested as the others towered over him he felt uncomfortable being surrounded.

" lI'll stick my feet in for a bit." Jin took off his shoes trotting to the water.

"I'm going to go supervise Joonie." Jimin strutted off leaving Hoseok and the older alone.

"What about you?" Hoseok looked down at the older who was looking back up at him and shook his head.

"I'd rather stay here." saying this he laid down next to the other. They sat quietly watching as the waves crashed onto the sand.

Yoongi thought about what the mysterious woman had said while Hoseok thought about who his birth mother could be and what his visions of Yoongi meant.

"Sunshine?" Yoongi suddenly called out

"Hmm?" The younger hummed without taking his eyes off the horizon.

"Do you think we're destined for bad things to happen to us?" Hoseok tilted his head to one side.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi sighed shaking his head.

"I don't even know, it's silly." Hoseok sat up and tugged on the older until he was sitting in his lap.

He wrapped his arm tightly around his waist as he buried his face in the older's neck. The sat like that for a while their breathing syncing.

"I know how you feel...but I promise everything will be alright. I won't let anything happen to you." Hoseok squeezed the boy a little tighter.

"Promise?" Yoongi's voice was faint almost as if he were scared. Hoseok let go of the boy's waist and turned him around so that they were now facing each other.

He looked him directly in his eyes the sun reflected back into them making them appear a golden brown almost taking the younger's breath away he smiled placing his hand on the boy's face and running his thumb along his cheek.

"I promise." He pulled the older closer until their lips met fitting perfectly together.

It was a passionate kiss that they could really feel their love for each other through and not just because Yoongi was an empath.

"GET A ROOOOM!" The boy's pulled away from each other looking behind Jungkook and Taehyung were laugthemhing wildly rolling around on the sand.

"Cock blockers." Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other smiling as they heard each other's thoughts.

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