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Yoongi stared at the pendant now laying on the table. Hee groaned tugging his hair

She never told me what to do...Do I... jus..t call her?

"Eun! I've made my decision!" Yoongi spun around seeing if the woman had appeared. He sighed when he found himself still alone he sat back on the couch sinking into it comfortably.

when he suddenly felt hot. he took off his jacket but his temperature only rose he leaned forward coughing as he tried to catch his breath he gripped the collar of his shirt pulling it away from his chest he screamed out  as a sharp pain shot through his free hand.

He grasped on to his wrist in agony staring at his palm a golded line had appeared forming the shape of the pendant. He looked at the object as it swiftly floated to his hand embedding itself in the outline Yoongi let out another shriek falling to the floor.


A whispered voice called to him he looked up to the door as it slowly creaked open. Gathering all his strength Yoongi got up staggering to the exit falling down in the driveway.

The pain too much for him to bare snatching away his consciousness.


Hoseok woke up laying in an unfamiliar bed. He sat up a pulsing pain in his head he looked around in confusion before Jumping up from the bed.


Hoseok quickly made his way to the door throwing it open and storming through to the other side he froze. Looking at the vintage style house he'd never been before seemed to soothe his eagerness.

He slowly walked down the hall his hand pressing firmly against the wall taking in every detail. Why did he feel at peace here? Hoseok continued wondering around until he made his way to the end of the hall where a beautiful set of ivory stairs connected to it. He paused a moment before continuing his body moving on its own.

He entered a larger room he heard a soft scratting noise he walked around the furniture to find a small boy who could be no more than two or three digging through a small box when a voice called out drawing his attention.

"Where's my pink princess~?" the boy jumped a little before scrambling to gather all of his this messily tossing them back into the box before placing it in a small hole between the floorboards.

"Here I Am!" Just as he said that a young woman popped her head from behind the wall her long silver hair cascading down to one side. Hoseok mouth dropped in shock 


"Noona!" Hosoek whipped his head back around to see the boy running full speed towards him he flinched waiting for them to collide only to fill a slight shiver when the boy passed through him.

Hoseok turned in the direction the boy went to see Eun picking the boy up and spinning him around in her arms the, boy giggling as he planted many kissed on her cheek before she set him back down.  She staggered backward a little causing the boy to frown in concern.

"Are you okay Noona?'

"Mmm.. just a little tired."

"Because of him?" he pointed to her stomach Eun nodded in response.

"I can help!" He took her hand pulling her away from the room  Hoseok following closely behind  The boy had brought her to a large rocking chair she sat down allowing the boy to crawl an to her lap. He held out a hand on either side of her stomach producing a bright light.

Eun smiled in awe as she watched. Hoseok got closer as the light started to fade. the boy looked up with a cute eye-smile.

"All better?" Eun nodded.

"All better. You've gotten a lot stronger Ji-." Hoseok bumped into the table sending a glass vase to the floor. he looked down then back at the pair only to see them staring at him Eun slowly got up from the chair holding her brother close.

"Who are you? How di you get in here?"Just as Hoseok reached out to answer the scene before he changed Eun and the young boy vanishing into thin air. The space filling with an orange light that seeped in through the windows.

What the hell is going on?

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