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Hoseok drove as fast as he could swerving in and out of traffic.

Yoongi please be okay.

These thoughts swam around in his head as he made his way to his lover. He pulled into the driveway throwing the vehicle in park with a jerk. He got out running to the front door. He pushed lightly and it opened without restraint.

He didn't even close the door.

Hoseok stepped inside the dimly lit house looking around closing the door behind him.


Yoongi watched as Eun was yanked up he too a step forward.

Don't interfere this is not the part you play.

Yoongi stopped. He dropped his gaze to the floor as he gnawed on his lip. She was right Hoseok would still shoot the man and Eun would still die.

There was another loud bang causing the boy'd head to snap up. Hoseok was holding the Eun staring at him


not him...

something behind him or someone.

Yoongi's eyes widened as he saw the faded image of himself when he was younger in sync the two fell to their knees emanating an earsplitting scream causing the windows of the building shattering at the sound sending shards of glass flying around in every direction along with other debris slicing the pale skin of the boy leaving multiple open wounds.

The inside of the room began to collapse a large piece of the ceiling falling about to crush the younger version of his lover. Yoongi flew forward using his own body as a shield hugging the boy tight.

Eun stretched out her hand the bright light wrapping itself around the boys Yoongi closed his eyes tightly everything was silent.

Yoongi opened his eyes now standing in an empty field his arms and legs still bleeding. Eun in front of him.

"W-what happened? Why was I there?"

You weren't..

Eun's mouth didn't move.

"I saw me there!"

That wasn't you physically... It was your energy. Humans with abilities like ours we have something called Controls.

"What's that?" Eun smiled slowly lowering to the ground she picked up a handful of the fine sand before scattering it in the air. Their surroundings changes as the stood in the middle of a cluster of stars.

A control is someone your soul and energy is connected to...from the day you are born your energy spreads out in search for the energy that syncs with it until its found...like a magnet.

The boy nodded not fully grasping onto what was being said.

Your control stabilizes your energy... Hoseok is your control just like you are his.

"I still don't understand... that doesn't explain why I was there."

That day was also the first day with your foster father.

That first day with him...

Yoongi's face contorted as he remembered the very first day with that monster.

Eun sighed before continuing.

When a control expediences something traumatic or their emotions become unstable their partner is there to keep the energy stable and reduce the amount of damage done.

"L-like the building."

Yes like the building at the University. You stopped the building from being destroyed.

Eun began walking to the edge of the field where the land and sea met.

But if all Control's involved become unstable then the energy increases immensely and no one can stop it...

She stopped at the edge of the cliff, Yoongi doing the same.

When you had those experiences that day at the same time your energy combined.

"Is that what you meant by the part I played?..."

Can you except that fact, and that part of yourself?

Eun was now standing behind the boy, he turned to face her tears running from his eyes


"Shh...Your answer isn't for me." Eun flung her arm forward sending the boy over the side of the cliff his body sinking enveloping in darkness as the surface of the water grew further and further away.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now