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There was a awkward silence between the too in which for once Hoseok hated. After a few moments he finally spoke.

"Do..you like music?" Yoongi chuckled.

"What kind of person doesn't like music?"

"Point taken." Saying this Hoseok turned on the radio blasting Agustd's "Agustd" through the speakers.

"I love this song." Hoseok said turning the dial increasing the volume.

"Me too." Yoongi agreed as he started singing along.

"A to the G to the U to the STD 홍콩을 보내는 (Hongkongeul bonaeneun) My tongue technology!" The both shouted while laughing.

"You really like this song."

"Yeah but Mama is my favorite." Hoseok nodded. They continued listening to the radio and making small talk when Hoseok turned down a familiar street and soon into his driveway.

They got out of the car and Yoongi quickly looked

"You live here?"

"Yeah. It's nothing." Hoseok said putting the code onto the keypad before opening the door. Holding the door he ushered Yoongi inside.

This was the first time he'd actually brought someone to his house. Yoongi stood in the stood under the doorway arch not sure what to do.

Hoseok kicked of his shoes and walked passed the older.

"This way." He threw his keys on the small coffee table without stopping headed for the kitchen

"You can put you stuff anywhere." Yoongi sat on the couch looking scanning his surroundings drumming his thumbs against his lap.

"You hungry?" Hoseok's voice carried from the kitchen

"I could eat."

"I got Gimbap, Matdongsan, Bungeoppang, Ramen, I can make some Hotteok, lamb ske-...!"

"lamb skewers!" Yoongi shout cutting off his host's words.

"Lamb skewers it is then."Placing the food on a grill tray he popped the in the oven grabbing the two beers from the counter. He tossed a can to the older before plopping down on the sofa next to him.



"Talk you're bribing me with beer remember?" Saying this Yoongi waved the can near his face.

"Right..right." Hoseok sat up setting his can in the table before slowly turning to face the other.

"Uhh...I don't know where to start...I'm not..use to initiating the conversation. I have so many questions."

"Then just ask them." Yoongi rolled his eyes at the over complicated thoughts of his junior.

"Oh and I get six free

"What's that?"

"If you ask something I don't want to answer I pass on it....That doesn't include the things I actually don't have answers for."

Hoseok sighed.

"Ookay...When did you find out you were different?" Yoongi pondered for a moment before answering.

"Around five."

"How? I mean how did you find out?"

"An incident when I was younger." Hoseok nodded.

"Did you inherited from your parents?"

"I don't have parents so I wouldn't know."

"O-oh sorry..." Hoseok took a sip from his can as the other finished his crushing the container.

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