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Hoseok scratched his head when he heard the loud crys of a baby. Without hesistation, he shot up the stairs running to the source. There he saw Eun on the floor crying and a man in an al black suit walking away from her with the child.

Eun continued to sob when the small boy ran to her side.

"Noona! It's okay you don't have to be sad." The boy held out a hand the bright light appearing again this time drying the woman's tears.

"Here." The boy placed a small paper in he hand.

"I found it in the garden." the boy winked before happily skipping from the room. Eun unfolded the paper reading it quickly bursting into tears again as she smiled holding the paper to her chest. over her heart.

Time sped up as Hoseok wondered around as blurred figures passed by paying particularly close attention to the boy who'd visit his secret hiding place several times wearing different outfits all with some sort of pink worked in.

It continued on like this until the house became dark and dingy as if no one had been there in a very long time. Hoseok walked over to the spot where the young boy had often gone.

He bent down pulling the wood from its place only to find the spot empty except for the assortment of cobwebs that had gathered. He sighed as his surrounding seemingly crumbled into dust around him.

He was now standing in the middle of the sidewalk the sun high in the sky he glanced around something very unexpected catching his eye.

Eun and his younger self, walking into the bank.



I have to stop them!

Hoseok charged forward as fast as he could when a figure stepped out in front of him he hadn't realized until it was too late... they collided the impact sending the boy backward on his bottom with a thud his eyes tightly shut.

He winced opening his eyes again but there was no one around he turned looking and still no sign of the other person he brought his gaze to his lap...the box.

Hoseok's eyes widen as he scrambled to his feet the box in hand he sat at a nearby table setting the box in front of him he inspected the outside and sure enough, it was the same box. He quickly lifted the lid pulling out a stack of old pictures the first one being an Ultrasound.

So Eun really did have a kid..

He continued flipping through the photos each one of Eun at different stages in her pregnancy until he got to one of Eun and a younger version of his father planting a kiss on her cheek he turned the picture over to see a letter written on the back of it.

"To Eun, my love... my life.... forever."

He looked at the next picture of Eun in a hospital bed with the newborn baby with the biggest smile on his face along with her little brother leaning over to give him a kiss, at the bottom of the picture

"Welcome to the world baby sunshine."

Tears began spilling from the boy's eyes.

"Eun is...my mother? Why-?" Hoseok stood up racing over to the last place he had seen his mother alive when the small boy from before appeared stopping him in his tracks.

"You can't change the past but you can save your future."


"Something bad is happening."

"What do you mean?"

"Your control." Hoseok scowled in confusion.

"He will die."

"Who?" The boy pointed to the window of the bank just as gunshots rung out. It wasn't the little Hoseok that the boy pointed to but the faded figure behind him.

"Yoongi?" Just as the name of his lover danced off his lips the windows shattered and the building crumbled a flash of light blinding the boy as he covered his face with one arm.

Final chapters tomorrow!!! Who's ready for it!?

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