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They arrived back at the Hoseok's house visibly exhausted. Jimin didn't speak the whole ride back while Jin made small conversation. Hoseok even tried to get him to join but gave up after a swift rejection from the boy whose hand seem to be permanently connected to his neck which Hoseok did notice but the gut feeling he got when thinking about it told him not to.

Immediately being snatched away before his foot set on the ground Taehyung dragged the the boy away. Jungkook waved  to everyone before following after them.

Namjoon force Jin to give him a ride home which only made sense, they live in the same direction anyway. Jin sped off Namjoon waved while hanging out the window with a huge grin on his face.

Hoseok stood in the driveway shaking his head with a cheeky smile on his face. It soon disappeared as he realize he was now alone with Yoongi. His body tensed up as he glanced sideways peering at the boy from the corner of his eye

"H-hey-." Hoseok yawned cutting the boys into the short.

"I'm beat I'm gonna head to bed." Before the other could say anything the boy raced into the house up the stairs and into his bedroom locking the door behind him. He pushed the dresser in front of the door as an extra precaution before collapsing on the bed. He stared at the ceiling with no thoughts in mind.

There he stayed only breathing as the different hues from the sun danced across his bedroom walls. Yoongi stood outside the door his hand in midair, he hesitated. Debating on whether or not to knock, he dropped his hand to his side with a sigh he pressed his back to the wall sliding down slowly he closed his eyes.


Hoseok laid on his back arm Draped over his eyes.

"Sunshine..." Hoseok jumped a little at the sound of the boy's voice he sat up slowly looking towards the door.

"I don't know if you can hear me or not but please if you can please...the boy signed

"I'm here for you always". There was a soft shuffling sound fading down the hall followed by a small click. Hoseok groaned tugging his hair in his hands.

Taking off his jacket and throwing it somewhere he sat with his hands clasped in front of his face thinking about everything that happened back on the island.

The fact that his entire life was practically a lie.

His sudden urges. He blinked only to see himself launching on top of on Jimin. He gaspped standing up a little too fast making himself dizzy, he fell back to the bed reaching into his pocket pulling out his phone and dialing

"The subscriber you are trying to reach is unavailable please-."

Voice mail

Hoseok got up again rushing to the door he started to push the dresser back to its place. He froze his breathing picking up again he felt the feeling it started as a light tingling but quickly changed into a severe burning over his entire body. He sank to the floor knocking over a mirror.

Lifting his head he looked into the shards of glass his golden eyes glowed, his pupils pushed the color to the outer edges. As the pain subsided he lifted his body standing only to fall again fromthe weakness in his knees he crawled making his way to the bathroom propping himself up on the tub turning on the water to its cold setting lettung it fill.

He took off his clothing that were soaked from sweat and sat back on the edge waiting his eyes getting heavier and heavier as he fought to stay awake his body suede crashing into the pool of water.

His head slowly submerging.

SOPE | Psychic Lovers [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now