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Yoongi got up going to the kitchen to refill his beverage when he felt something behind he turned around meeting the woman's gaze.

She reached out her hand gently petting his head while smiling sweetly.

"He finally found his control..." Yoongi froze staring at the woman's mouth making sure he wasn't imagining things.

" I am thankful for you. There are a lot more trials to come for the two of you.... but you will get through it."

"Y-you-?" the boy choked on his words as the woman's hair changed to a bright silver color.

"Trust me all uncertainty you feel will disappear you'll see. I have to go now." saying this she turned away from the boy walking to the door and leaving. Yoongi sunk to the ground his body shaking violently when the door burst open.

"Yoongi!" Jimin ran into the room looking around until he found the boy sitting on the floor.

He looked up his eyes felt heavy his vision now blurry another fuzzy figure ran into his view he heard muffled noses that he couldn't make out as everything went dark.


"There was nobody in the room with him. We looked at the CCTV's too and nothing. I don't know." Yoongi opened eyes shifting his body a little he saw Hoseok and Jimin talking a little ways away for him.

He moaned a little as he tried to lift himself drawing the attention of the others. Hoseok sat on the edge of the bed next to him. He placed his hand on the boy's head.

"You awake?" Yoongi nodded his head staring at the boy.

"Do you remember anything?" He didn't say anything. Hoseok raised an eyebrow.

Yoongi was lost in thought about the woman who had come to see him.

"Why aren't you talking?" Jimin question still evidently pissed at him.

"M-my throat hurts." he choked ou the words his voice husky. Hoseok quickly went into the kitchen grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Here." He lifted the boy's head helping him drink the water.

"Thank you...How did things go with your father?"

"Too much to process h-." Hoseok looked at the boy in shock.

"How did you know that I went to see my father." Hoseok glanced at Jimin who was just as confused as he was.

"You're mother told me...or." Yoongi pressed his lips together as he recalled how the woman had spoken to him without moving her lips and the way her hair turned silver before she disappeared out the door.

"Yoongi?' He shook his head coming back to his senses.

"Where is everyone?" the older quickly changed the subject.


"Already?" Hoseok nodded

"We were only staying a few days." Yoongi pouted.

"Can we...stay one more night?" Hoseok looked at Jimin who shrugged before leaving the room.

"I guess that's a yes."

"Hoseok?" the younger turned to face the older who had a serious expression on his face.

"Tell me what happened." he stared at the boy's face for a moment before agreeing.


"So you gained your abilities from your birth mother who isn't the woman you father is married to?" hoseok nodded his head resting on the older's lap as he drew small circles on his thigh.

"Yep and apparently I've met here before without knowing who she was." he sighed sitting up and going into the kitchen. While the other went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Coming out he saw Hoseok laying on the bed his back to him.

"Yoongi?" The boy jumped at the sudden call of his name.

"Y-yes?" Hoseok slowly turned around looking the older in his eyes in his eyes.

"Come here." the boy shuffled to the other. When he was close enough hoseok got up from the bed and stood in front of him.

"Why do you keep pushing me away?" Yoongi's eyes grew wide as the younger sat up.

He quickly placed a hand on the boy's head.

"Sleep." Hoseok's body started to teeter he shook his head removing any tiredness he'd felt.

"That won't work anymore." Yoongi snatched his hand away from the boy.

"I know you did it that day too..at the hospital." he stepped closer to the boy.

"Hoseok...please...don't." the boy shook his head as he backed up from the younger.

"I told you I'm going to be selfish...Yoongi I lo-." The boy turned around covering his ears squatting to the ground.

"Don't say it! It's not possible for someone like me....t-that man left his mark....d-disgraced me! How can I l-love someone let alone be loved after all of that?!" Yoongi's voiced cracked as he held his tears.

"Y-Yoongi." Hoseok called to the older receiving no response. He walked over to the boy still crouching with his ears covered.

He grabbed his arm yanking him up spinning him around he pushed him against the wall staring into his eyes.

"You can feel someone else's emotions through contact right?" Without waiting for a response from the other the younger covered the boy's lips with his own.

It was a gentle kiss something the boy wasn't use to, he gripped the other's collar melting into the kiss feeling everything Hoseok felt at that moment.

The tears he had been holding on to spilled from his eyes. The younger broke the kiss leaning his head on the other's their eyes meeting again.

"Yoongi. I love you...so much. Just because that happened doesn't me I love you any less. I want to replace those bad memories with good one." The younger wrapped his arms around the boy pulling him in closer. There they stayed feeling each other's warmth.

The end...

[Sike! 😂 that would be a horrible way to leave the story💙💚💛💜]

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