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The boys headed back to the car as the man watched. He tightly gripped the steering wheel his knuckles his eyes glued to the boy with bright blue hair unable to contain his anger.

He wondered why the boy never smiled at him like that who was the person who made him act this way. He furiously hit the wheel screaming. He'd show him he'd be sure of it.


Hoseok opened the door for Yoongi before running over to the driver's side and getting in.  They rode for a while before arriving at Hoseok's house.  As Yoongi stepped out he glanced over at his own sighing in relief at the empty driveway.

"You pick...one on one video game tournament  or Movie marathon." The younger said as they entered the living room.

"Is that even a question?" Hoseok shrugged walking over to the t.v stand while the other grabbed some sheets from the closet

"It was worth a shot." He pulled a stack of VHS tapes placing one into the player and the others back on the shelf.

"Hurry up and help me move this." Hoseok ran over to the older's side both bent down pushing the sofa back into a new position to make a fort.

"Do we really have to do this every time?" Yoongi groaned as his feet slid backward struggling to move the furniture.

"Yes.. it's tradition."

  "What tradition? We've barely known each other a month."  Hoseok turned to the older with a big smile.

"This is where it starts." After building their fort the younger went into the kitchen for snacks the other starting the film.

"Bring your ass the movie's starting." The younger scrambled back to the living room plopping down next to Yoongi who was laying on his stomach. They spend time watching movie after movie until they had watched all them.

At the end of the last one, Yoongi yawned showing his tiredness even though he tried not to.

"I should get home." he stood up stretching.  Hoseok looked up at him.

"Want to stay the night." the older thought for a minute before shaking his head.

"Not tonight." The younger pouted a little before speaking again. 

"Hey, can I ask a question?" 

"You just did." Yoongi was putting on his jacket in front of the door when Hoseok nervously walked next to him.

"Smart ass... Can I ask two more?" the older chuckled while putting on his shoes.

"Sure go ahead." The younger hesitated

"T-that guy you live with..." he paused thinking of how to continue when Yoongi turned around to face him.

"He's my legal guardian."

"Oh, so he's your foster dad." Hosoek said a huge weight lifting off his shoulders but he didn't really know why.

"He's not my dad." the older snapped catching the other off guard.

"Since I'm legally an adult now...he's just a roommate....nothing more."  When Yoongi walked outside the sun had already set. Making his way to his house he saw the driveway was still empty.

Entering the house the boy started towards his room.

When the nearby lamp clicked on sitting in the chair next to it the very man he despised. 

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