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When Yoongi woke up he was almost completely naked a mixture of blue and purple marks stained his milky white skin.

He sat up looking around the man nowhere in sight. He groan as he stood up pain shooting through his body. He made his way to the bathroom he began filling the tub with cold water. He stood in front of a mirror a figure he was all too familiar with staring back at him a dark circle marking his eye dried blood on his lip.

This wasn't the first time this happened and it wouldn't be the last but Yoongi was used to it he realized a long time ago that there was no escape and no one could save him.

Yoongi walked over to the tub sinking in the cold water stung as I flowed over the newly made bruises. Yoongi didn't cry more like he couldn't his tears were all dried up as he sat with a blank face staring at the water that was slowly changing colors.


Hoseok stared blankly at the ceiling as light started to filter in through the window he hadn't slept a wink his mind plagued with thoughts of Yoongi.

He felt terrible for the way he treated him when all he wanted to do was help.

Hoseok chest weighed heavy with guilt. He wanted to run to and apologize but how could he face him again after what he'd done. Hoseok roughly rubbed his hands over his face in frustration. He wanted a drink... he wanted to forget. He got up and got dress his house in utter chaos from his rampage.

Grabbing his keys he made his way out of his house as usual the others were there waiting to pile into his car he quietly go in the others followed suit.


Yoongi sat up his body still aching. He slowly got dressed each movement making him wince in pain.

After a long and tedious process the boy was finally clothed dressed in black jeans a t-shirt and a oversized black hoodie he walked down stairs using the rail so he wouldn't fall.

As last he reached the door slipping his shoes on he reached for the handle when a voice called out to him.

"Yoongi." The boy froze for a moment before slowly turning around to meet the apologetic gaze of the man who had done this to him.

He knew what was coming a sympathetic apology followed by a promise never to do it again. Yoongi thought it best to skip the process.

"It's alright I'm fine..." The man gave a sad smile.

"You know I only do things to protect you." The boy nodded not saying anything else.

"Come on I'll drive you to school." The man casually said walking pass the boy as if nothing happened. He pulled the hood over his head covering the sides of his face.

As he left the door way he saw the end of Hoseok car passing by. He felt a small ting of pain in his heart but ignored it getting into the back seat of the car leaning his head back on the headrest.

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