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Yoongi stared at the water shivering. Hoseok waited for the yoongi to move but he didn't budge.

"Geez what's with you I don't bite" He grabbed the boy's arm pulling him toward him lifting him up. He sat him in the tub still wearing his boxers.


Yoongi followed his orders with out saying anything. He sank in the warm water taking away the chill from the rain.

He felt at ease as the bath caressed every inch of his body. Making sure the older was okay Hoseok got up.

"I'll be back." Yoongi nodded not looking at the other. Hoseok hesitantly walked out of the bathroom.

He walked over to the closet pulling out a towel. He looked on the drawers for some clothes but everything was too big... he sighed.

He picked up his phone and dialed...he didn't want to but he had to.


"Hyung?! Why are you calling...you never call...are you coming out with us?!" Hoseok rolled his eyes as  Jungkook decided to play 21

"Jeon Jungkook!!Give the phone to Jimin." There was a rustle on the other end of the


"Hey Jimin.... I need a favor."

"Sure what what's up?"

Ending the call with Jimin Hoseok quickly changed his clothes poking his head in the bathroom to check on Yoongi who was still sitting in the same position he'd been left in before heading downstairs and out the door.

Walking down the drive way he made his way to the house next door.

He rang the bell which initiated a number of thuds on the otherside before being opened.

"Hyung!" He was greeted by Jungkook and Tae they moved out of the way letting him inside.

He felt awkward he didn't like being anyone's house except his own. Tae and Jungkook stared as if he was some fascinating thing they'd  found.

After a couple of minutes Jimin came running to the door holding a bag.

"Here you go they're practically new I only wore them once so don't worry about it." Jimin said  handing it over to Hoseok.

"Thank you."

"No problem."

  "But hyung ...why do you need that exactly?" Jungkook asked pecking into the bag.

Before getting an answer Tae grabbed kookie in a headlock and dragged him away.

"You should get going before the rain picks up again." Hoseok nodded thanking him again before walking back to his house.

He stood in front of his door his hand inches away from the keypad when he felt a  sudden pain in his head he doubled over holding his head as an image was displayed before him.

It was Yoongi sitting in the bathtub... Hoseok's body shook as another image flashed over Yoongi still in the bath but the water had a red tint to it.

Hoseok fell to his knees as the last image of Yoongi's arms dangling outside of the bathtub a steady stream of blood coming from several lacerations.

Hoseok gasped for air as the pain subsided pulling himself up he steadied himself quickly putting in the code and running up the stairs.

"Yoongi?!" Hoseok nearly tripped as he called the boy's name. He burst through the door.


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