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Hoseok eyes fluttered open turning his head he looked at the clock.


He pinched the bridge of his nose rubbing the tiredness from his eyes. He tried to move an unknown pressure stopped him. Reaching over his head he pulled a thin chain turning on the lights. Looking down his gaze met the bright blue hair. Yoongi had made himself comfortable on top of Hoseok his head resting on the younger chest.

"Yoongi get off." He rocked the sleeping older's shoulders.

"Mm...Five more minutes." Saying this Yoongi's grip tighten.

"Yah! Get the hell off!" Hoseok pryed himself out of the other's grasp pushing him to the side before running into the bathroom. Hoseok washed up. Exiting the bathroom he paused watching Yoongi still sleep with half his body hanging of the bed. Hoseok rolled his eyes heading downstairs to the kitchen.

Opening the fridge he immediately reached for a beer but stopped his hand sucking his teeth he grabbed a water from the door twisting the cap off and taking a sip before going back to his room. Walking up the stairs he brought the bottle back to his lips he entered the doorway instantly spit out the liquid that way being held between his cheeks he froze stare at Yoongi who was now awake sitting on his knees while rubbed his eyes.

Hoseok had been taken aback by how cute he was the oversized shirt lazily hung up his shoulder the length of it covering his shorts made it look like he had nothing else on. Hoseok heart pounded as he took in the sight when a husky voice rung out.

"What are you looking at?" If Hoseok wasn't already beating a mile a minute it was now.

"Earth to Hoseok...Yah Sunshine!" Hearing that name made him snap out of it.

"Don't call me that." Hoseok's whole demeanor changed from what it was last night. It was almost scary... correction it was terrifying. Yoongi's eyes wide at the sudden change in attitude from the younger.


"Whatever just go get cleaned up if you're not done by the time I'm ready I'm leaving you here." Hoseok walked back out of the room not waiting for the other to respond.

Yoongi scratched his head. What the hell was that all about? He thought the younger was a totally different person from last night. Yoongi quickly went into the bathroom still limping slightly and began taking care of his business. Hoseok paced around the kitchen his head fuming with anger he stopped in front of the sink holding his head down.

Looking up his eyes met a his reflection in a small mirror hanging there it angered him even more his fist cracking it as he pulled away his hand several shards remained blood dripped from the fresh wounds he made on himself.

Removing the bits of glass he wrapped his hand in a piece of dirty cloth he'd found laying around. Hoseok looked at his watch tapping his foot as he waited by the door.

"If you're not down here in the next 30 seconds you're on your own!" He yelled in the direction of his bedroom.

He rolled his eyes as he heard hurried thuds coming towards him.

"I'm here I'm here." Yoongi said as he twisted his foot into his shoe. Hoseok opened the door walking out the older followed. Waiting outside were his acquaintances.

"Hyu-" Jungkook started but quickly pursed his lips together for once Jimin nor Tae had to tell him to shut up he already knew the three watched as Hoseok unlocked the doors making his way to the driver's side they immediately rushed to enter the vehicle Jimin and Tae getting in the back Jungkook standing at the passenger side Hoseok opened his door and stopped

"You." Hoseok had pointed straight at Jungkook who wasn't wearing his usual bunny smile.

"Get in the back." The younger didn't hesitate in doing what he was told. Hoseok turned his attention to Yoongi who had been standing there nervously.

"How long are you gonna stand there." Yoongi was stuck where was the semi sweet boy he had spent the night with drinking and laughing.

Hoseok slammed the car door shut making everyone on jump before briskly walking over to the older taking his arm and pulling him to the car.

"Get in and don't make me say it again." Yoongi's legs shook slightly as he got into the car. Hoseok was already on the driver seat. He closed the door cranking engine speeding off down the road.

Yoongi glanced at the boy as he drove noticing the blood stained cloth peaking out from under his sleeve as he gripped the wheel.

What the hell happened to everyone's Sunshine?

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