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Pulling in to the parking lot Hoseok  parked in his usual parking spot throwing it in park and snatching the keys from the ignition.

He got out of the car speedwalking inside leaving the others baffled at his sudden change in character. Yoongi started to go after him when he felt a hand tugging on his arm. He looked backed to see a boy with pink hair holding onto him.

"Let him be." He said letting go of the boy's arm.

"I'm Jimin that's Taehyung and over there is Jungkook."

"Yoongi." They all walked slowly together when Jungkook and Tae were called away by their respective club leaders which meant they were going to go make-out...leaving the two alone. There was an awkward silence between them.

"Uh.. Thanks for the clothes." Yoongi finally said breaking the ice.

"Don't mention it. Hobi usually doesn't ask for anything so I knew it must've been something important." 

"Oh." Yoongi looked down still trying to figure out what happened when his stomach made a low gurgling sound. He froze his eyes wide as he continued looking down. Jimin chuckled

"Hungry?" Yoongi raised his head and nodded.

"Come on... it's like your third day right? I'll show you around." Jimin skipped into the building followed by Yoongi who just walked normally.

"In the mornings the cafeteria doesn't serve food instead.. we have food trucks in the yard." Picking a truck they got their food and head for a patio table.

"You've must've been friends with  Hoseok for a long time."

"Hmm.. Yeah I guess you could say that Him Tae and I live in the same neighborhood growing up."

" I see." Yoongi took a bite of his food.

" You're the first person I seen him bring out of his house?"

"Huh? L-like some whoever goes in never comes out type shit?"

"Pppfft no. I meant he doesn't usually have company over not even us."

"O-oh..That makes sense." Jimin doubled over in laugher wiping an imaginary tear from his eye.

Yoongi bit his lip contemplating on whether or not to ask the question that's been plaguing him. Picking up on the older's hesitation Jimin began to speak again.

"I'm pretty sure you were surprised at how his attitude change right?"

"H-how did you know?"

"It's written all over your face. I can tell you're worried about him."

"Y-yeah...I just." Yoongi sighed

"I just don't know what happened.. we were fine last night and then this morning he just snapped after I called him "Sunshine." Jimin spat out is orange juice which caused Yoongi to jolt back in shock.

"You called him sunshine?!"

"What...what's wrong with that?"

"It makes perfect since now." Jimin sat back in his chair.

"It has something to do with his nanny....Eun I think her name was she'd always call him sunshine he hated for anybody else to call him that." Yoongi leaned forward.. Eun must've been the name he couldn't say last night.

"What happened to her?"

"...She died."

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