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Hoseok slid his back down the wall sitting on the floor. Jin came out of the kitchen holding a tray

"What about his dad?"

"He says he hasn't heard anything either but...."

"But?" Jin raised his eyebrow setting the tray down on the table.

"His dad doesn't seem all that worried...and something Yoongi said awhile back is bothering me." The other's looked at him

"Well?" they all said in unison.

"What?" Jin groaned

"What exactly did he say?"

"O-oh it was the night he when we went to see you. I asked him who that he was cause I'd always see either him or Yoongi but never together...He told me he was his legal guardian who he couldn't escape from even if he tried he got mad at me when I called him his dad too." Jin hummed as he continued.

"I didn't think much of it until now.... I just thought it was a rebellious teenager thing.

"They all nodded tears started to stream down his face he buried his hands Jungkook sat next to him rubbing his back soft sobs made themselves audible. Namjoon spoke again.

"Come, there's no need to cry I get he's your best friend but he's our friend too you'd think you see him as more than that." Hoseok lifted his face looking straight into the younger's eyes.

There was something about this look that made everyone on hold their breath.

"Hobi...?" Jimin whispered, "Wait Hoseok d-do yo-?" The boy nodded and sighed

"Yep I love him."

[Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I wanted but I have my reasons 😉 LOVE YOUUUU!!💙💛💜]

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