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"Where are they?" Yoongi stood by the car with Taehyung,Namjoon and Jungkook.

"Jin's checking us out. "

"Jimin's in Hoseok's room?"

"What?!" Both Yoongi and Taehyung yelled at the boy. Namjoon swiftly smacking the back of his head.

"Now you've done it." Jungkook pouted rubbing his head. Jin exited the building holding his phone to his ear with a worried expression when he made eye contact with Yoongi he quickly ended the call walking over to them.

Jimin finally made his appearance followed by Hoseok a short distance away.  

"Finally. Can we go now?" Jungkook groaned.

"Yeah." The boys dispersed all except Hoseok who was watching Yoongi.

He dropped his bag to the floor taking a step forward when he felt something yanking him back. Looking over his shoulder he found Jimin.

"Hey guys let's switch."

"What are you talking about?" 

"Jin, Hoseok and me will ride in this car and you guys could ride together." the other's stared at the two boys Jimin glanced at Jin for help.

"That's not a bad idea." 

"Whatever we don't have time for this."   Taehyung was visibly frustrated as he walked over to the other car.

"Key." Namjoon held up his hand as  Hoseok threw the keys to him.

"Awe why does he always  get to drive?" 

"Tree. Trunk." Jin crossed his arms

"It was one time." Jungkook huffed as he got into the car. Jimin got in the back seat pulling Hoseok who's feet to be stuck to the ground as he stared at Yoongi's back.

"Hoseok get in the damn car." Jimin whispered the older finally giving in. Jin got in the driver seat glance at Hoseok in the rearview mirror. The boy was sweating his chest heaving.

He started the engine pulling next to the other group.

"We'll follow you."Namjoon nodded  pulling off.


"Just wait a bit." Jimin nodded as he held Hoseok who was resting his head on the younger's lap.

That's  all folks.

For today anyway special  Saturday updates for all 3 stories so just be patient love ya😘💜💛💙💚

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