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*Mon-el's POV*

I am in my room just reading on my goden, minding my own business, when my parents walk in my room."Hello mother, father, did you need something?"

"Yes actually, you may want to sit down because what's about to come out of my mouth is the most horrific thing I have ever said." I sit down worried."What is it, is something wrong?"

"Well, an offer has been made to give Daxam and Krypton peace."

"That's amazing, what is it?" I stand up excitedly.

"The princess has agreed to um... marry you." He says and I sit back down slowly.

"What!? You want me to marry the princess of Krypton, that is ridiculous, I will not marry her!" I say angrily.

"Son, this is the only way to bring peace, do you want all our people to die?"

"No, I guess not, fine I will do as you ask, but I want to meet her at least a month in advance, so I can judge her beauty myself" I say.

"We can make that happen, don't worry, you're not the only one dreading this." He says agreeing to my demand.

*1 Week Later*

I have all my stuff packed, ready to move to Krypton,"Uh, even thinking about it makes me want to vomit."

"Son, are you ready for the trip to Krypton?"

"Yes, just let me say goodbye to Donak." I say as I walk to my best friends living quarters. I didn't want to say bye to him but I have to in order to save my planet. I'm sure I would see him again, but it wouldn't be for awhile.

I knock on the door and he opens it."Mon-el, what a pleasant surprise, what are you doing here?"

"I have to leave to go to Krypton to save our world, so I came to say goodbye."

"Oh, that's too bad, I hope you can come home."

"Yes, hopefully once our planets are united we will live here, on Daxam. I hope."

"Well look on the bright side, I have heard that the princess is beautiful. The most beautiful woman on Krypton and Daxam combined."

"I've never hear that. I doubt it."

I walked over to him and gave him a bro hug.

"Good luck man, may we meet again, brother. And hey, don't charm too many girls." Donak winked and started laughing.

"No promises!" I close the door behind me still laughing. I walk down the hall to the front door where my parents were waiting for me.

"Ready now?" my mother said

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied. We walked out the front door and made it to the ship before poparazzi showed up. Whenever I was out in public, girls would try to give me their phone numbers and hit on me. I went on a date with a few, but none of them went well so, I gave up on love.

It took us around ten minutes to get to Krypton. Arriving here made my stomach turn. Hopefully the troops from the war wouldn't shoot us down. It took us another five minutes to land since some of the Kryptonian pilot managers forgot we were coming. We had to authorize that we were here for business purposes. Once we landed we got off the ship and we're brought to some spare rooms in the Zor-El Palace. We were able to set some of our stuff up. I put my clothes in the dresser that was provided and I put my pictures on the wall. I was almost done putting my last picture up when a woman walked in. She looked like a goddess. She had hate in her eyes when she looked at me. I must have looked like a lost puppy because when she saw my face she wasn't mad anymore.

"Hello, my name is Kara Zor-El. Welcome to Krypton. Let me know if you need anything." She started to walk away and I spoke up.

"Actually yes! I have a question. You said your last name was Zor-El? Are you the princess?"

"Why yes I am" she looked at me and continued walking away. I couldn't believe it. Donak was right. She was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! And I have seen A LOT of women. I chased after her.

"So? How do you feel about this arranged marriage?" I said.

"Really? How do I feel about it? Okay. I hate it. I would never marry an irresponsible, lazy, party animal like you. If I could choose I'd have your species move galaxies! Now I have to marry one? No thank you. I'm only doing this because your people won't give up! I'm sick of this war!"

Wow. She really hates Daxam. No matter how pretty she was, she couldn't just talk like that about my people.

"It's not fun for me either princess. I would never dream of marrying a stuck up snob like you! I hate it here and I haven't even been here ten minutes! Would it kill you to be nice?" I yell back.

"Well yes, I would rather die than compliment you, Daxamite." She looked at me one more time and then walked off. I didn't follow her, instead I went back to my room. I sat down on my bed and bent over so my elbows were on my knees and I rubbed my head. How are we going to do this?


Thanks for reading;)

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