She's Mine

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*Mon-el's POV*

I can screams that are coming from Kara's room. I run and see Florin pinning her against the wall. "GET OFF OF HER!" I yell and run to Florin, pulling him off and throwing him on the floor. "Are you okay?" I say caressing her face.

"I am now." I look back and Florin isn't there. I turn around and Kara hugs me and puts her face in my neck. Her breaths are shaky and she is shaking.

"What did he do, did he hurt you?" She starts to cry again. "Okay, we won't talk now." I lay her back down onto her bed and I lay next to her. She puts her head on my chest and holds me tight. "I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"It's okay, it's not your fault."

"Yes it is. This wouldn't have happened if I just kept my hands to myself. It's just hard when someone as beautiful as you is around me all the time."

"Thanks, but this has happened before. Once when we were little I had a crush on this boy named Jeremy, and Florin beat him up, and now that we're older, I don't know what he's going to do. I'm worried about you Mon-el!"

"I'll be fine, I have troops and guards that will stop him."

"But Mon-el!" I hugged her tight and didn't let go. Her breathe slowly calmed down until she was breathing normally.

"Thank you Mon-el. Thank you so much!"

"No problem Kara. I'm here for you, all day, any day." She sits up and is sitting over me. She puts one leg over my legs and leans down to kiss me again. I put my hands on her waist while she puts her hands on my face.

I could feel her smiling through he kisses and I never want this to end. Just us two. I could also feel her kiss start to fade.

"We can't do this Mon-el. Not anymore."

"Do what?"

"This, these make-out sessions, these moments between us, we can't do it."

"What? Kara, why?" she gets off of me and off the bed and walks over to her door. She twists the doorknob and opens the door. I sit up and look at her.

"Kara! Talk to me! What's wrong?"

"I can't fall for you Mon-el. I can't or else-" she starts to cry. "Or else I'll be banished from Krypton! Someone ratted me out to my mom. Just please leave Mon-el."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"No need for you to be sorry." I step out of the room and Kara shuts the door. I could hear her crying from the inside of her room. It took everything I had not to storm back in there and kiss her. But I couldn't. For her, I wouldn't. Who would have ratted her out to her mother? Who knew about it? Florin. Of course. He ruined my relationship with Kara! He ruined Kara! I actually made someone happy for once and he took that away from me. He took Kara's happiness away. I knew what I had to do. I was going to take care of Florin, then go explain what happened to Kara's mother and father.

As I looked for Florin I realised that he must have gone home. I went to the front yard and looked around to see if I could see Florin's house. There were at least one hundred houses, but believe me, I will search every one of them for Kara. As I knocked on each and every door, I saw Florin walking to his house. I ran to him with anger in my heart. I jumped on him when I got close enough. He fell to the ground and I turned him around so that I could see his face. I punched his ugly face over and over again.


"I did no such thing! You're the one that came into her life and ruined it!"

"ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS HELP HER! I JUST WANTED TO MAKE HER FEEL LIKE A TRUE PRINCESS! AND YOU TOOK THAT FROM ME!" Punch after punch, I felt him lose consciousness. Before I knew it, the guards were taking me back to the palace. The locked me in the dungeon! I couldn't believe this! I was defending Kara, and they lock me up!

I was sitting there for at least an hour until they unlock the door. I look up at the guard and ask him why he did that.

"The princess has ordered to let you free."

"Did she say anything else?"

"That you remain unharmed and that Florin is locked up instead. That is all."

"Okay thanks." I rush out of the dungeon and upstairs as fast as I could. I had to get to Kara's mother. I see the Queen talking to someone, but I can't see or hear the other person.

"Kara, you are being illogical! He is a Daxamite! You cannot possibly love him! You don't know what love is young lady! You will marry Mon-el and you will then tell him that you do not love him! You will never have children with him, AND you will never kiss him again except for on your wedding day!"

"Mother! I love him! I know I do! Banish me! If you do, then Krypton will be destroyed! Good luck finding another princess for him to marry! I will not tolerate this!"

"Very well, you will be banished! You will never see him again!"

"No mom! Banish me! But let him come with me. Then, you can find some other Daxamite and Kryptonian to marry, but I will not have him marry another women unless he agrees to! I know he won't agree because I think he loves me too!"

"Nonsense Kara! Daxamites cannot love, they can only hate and move on to the next girl. They have no love in their hearts."

"Speak for yourself mother!" Kara ran out of the room crying and into her room without noticing me. I wanted to run after her but I had to go speak with her mother. Here goes nothing. 

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