The Love Molecule

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @AmaretteKuhn for helping me out.
*Mon-el's POV*

I get back to the loft after dropping Kal off and I see Kara pacing back and forth.

"Kara, you okay?" She looks at me and I see she looks angry.

"Alex told me the truth, apparently she has been working for the D.E.O. and she didn't tell us."

"How long?"

"A year." She is still pacing.

"Okay Kara stand still you're making me nauseous."

"Sorry, I'm just really upset, they took Jeremiah away and Kal is gone and everything that is happening with Florin, it's all just very hectic."

"Hey, we are going to figure this thing out okay. We are gonna be just fine."

"Okay, we still need to get to the D.E.O. though so I'll call Alex and tell her we are ready." A few minutes later Alex walks in.

"Let's go." We all get in her car cause me and kara have no idea where to go. It is a long drive but we get there. We get out of the car and agents run up behind us and grab our arms. "Hey, let them go they are on our side."

"Yes agent Danvers." They say then let us go.

"Agent Danvers?" I ask. We follow Alex inside and she asks us to wait in this hall. A few minutes later her and a man walk out.

"Alex, this is the man that took Jeremiah away." Kara says.

"No it's not, that man was Hank Henshaw, this is J'onn J'onzz."

"What, then why do they have the same face?" I ask, confused.

"I'm a green martian, I can shift into any form."

"You're from Mars, I heard that was a beautiful planet."

"It was, until the white martians attacked us, anyway I heard you had a problem."

"Well, we're not sure. See, an old friend of mine, Florin, did something horrible to me when we were still on Krypton. Anyway, long story short he wants me back I guess and last night he came into our apartment and kissed me while I was sleeping. Mon-el told me that there was this potion that could make someone fall in love with another person and we are afraid that he used it."

"Okay, follow me into our lab and we will run some tests." We follow him and Kara sits in this chair.

"I'm gonna take this swab and run it across your lips." Alex says and Kara nods. "We will get the results in a couple minutes."

Kara takes my hand. "I'm nervous."


"What if he did use it and I have to leave you?"

"You won't."

"Why do you sound so sure?" I smirk. "What aren't you telling me?"

"There is a way to reverse it's effects."

"That way is?"

"You kiss your soulmate, if you can find them and all that power from that one kiss can demolish the power from the potion." As soon as I'm done talking she grabs my face and kisses me fiercely.

"Good thing I found my soulmate." Alex walks in with the results.

"So, there is a high amount of oxytocin on your lips."

"What's that?" I ask.

"It's known as the love molecule, it is typically associated with helping couples establish a greater sense of intimacy and attachment."

"Is that all?" Kara asks nervously.

"Well, there seems to be something interfering with it. I'm not sure what it is but you're gonna be fine." We smile.

"Thank you." Kara hugs me tight. "I guess you were right."

"When am I not?" I say sarcastically.

"Haha very funny, thank you for being my soulmate Mon-el." She says smiling at me.

"It's my pleasure."

"I'm sure it is." She laughs.

"Oh, so now you're getting cocky." I start tickling her.

"Mon stop... please." I stop.

"Fine, but only because you said please."

"I love you."

"Is love you kara Zor-El l, don't ever forget it."

"If you keep talking to me like this then I don't think I have a choice."

"You don't, because of you left me I would be broken and I wouldn't be able to breathe."

"That's good to hear because I feel the same way. It would kill me to lose you." I smile and hug her tightly.

"You are my life." She smiles.

"Let's get home, I'm feeling really tired." She says while fake yawning.

"Yes mam." I pick her up and take her back home. We lay on the bed, kiss and...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have an amazeballs day.


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