As Time Flies By

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Weeks had passed since Alex and Donak came out as a couple. Kara was a week away from her due date. Mon-el couldn't be more excited. Though they had gone through something so traumatic, they didn't care. They knew everything would be okay as long as they had each other. Their baby is what kept Mon-el from losing his memory. Every time he was away from Kara and the baby, he felt like a piece of him was missing. Mon-el and Kara were home, it was late. They had spent the entire day at the house. Kara was basically human as of right now. She couldn't fly or use any of her powers. Though she was still invulnerable, she lost all of them. They figured the powers would come back after birth. They had been watching movies and eating popcorn when kara felt a pain in her stomach. She couldn't describe it, but it wasn't right. She stood up and that's when everything happened. She couldn't hold herself up, she fell to the floor. Mon-el wasn't fast enough to catch her. As soon as she hit the floor Mon-el was picking her up and running her to the D.E.O.

"ALEX, ALEX!!" Mon-el called out frantically.

"What, what's going on?" Mon-el laid Kara down in the med bay and tried to explain everything to Alex without breaking down. He didn't even realize he had started crying until he felt the tear drip on his shirt. Then his face went blank. "Mon-el?" he didn't move a muscle. He stopped crying and he just stood there like a lifeless drone. "Mon-el?" Alex tried shaking him, but nothing happened.

"That's my fault," Alex turned around and to see Florin with a device in his hand.

"Florin? What did you do to him?"

"It's not permanent don't worry."

"Don't worry? My sister is in the med bay, Mon-el isn't moving! How am I not supposed to worry?" Alex shouts at him. "You need to reverse whatever the hell you did to him, because Kara needs him," Florin shakes his head.

"I can't do that, not yet," he walks slowly over to Kara and sighs. "What am I gonna do with you?"

"You need to go Florin. I need to help Kara."

"I can't do that either. I'm sorry Alex, I wished it didn't happen this way," Alex tries to fight him, but he does the same to her as he did to Mon-el. "Okay, now it's time to go before anyone sees us," he walks back over to Kara and lifts her off the bed. He starts walking toward the exit. "We are gonna be so happy," Florin disappears into the night with Kara in his arms.

A few hours later, Kara woke up groggy and sore. "Mon-el? Alex?" she looked around the room she was in. It didn't seem familiar, she had never been here before. But she was a little panicked because she didn't know where she was, she didn't have her powers, and someone could be lurking in the shadows. "Hello?" she tried to stand up, but noticed that her wrists were tied to the bed she was laying on.

"Don't worry Kara, you're okay," she tried to recognize the voice, but they were using a voice modulation device.

"Who are you?" she tried breaking free from the hold the ropes had on her wrists.

"We are gonna be so happy, I promise I'll love you forever," she heard the voice come closer to her. Seconds later, she felt a light touch on her face.

"What do you want?" the hand kept its touch.

"I want you and our kid of course," she tried wiggling free again, but no budge.

"If your name is anything besides Mon-el, then I regret to inform you that it's not your kid," she says sarcastically. She wanted to make it very clear that this was Mon-el's baby.

"It'll take some time, but you'll learn to love me. I mean, you've done it before," she's loved them before? This can't be right. Who has she ever loved. There's been Mon-el, that's it. She's never really LOVED anyone else. Wait, no he's gone it can't be.

"Florin?" the person laughs.

"Wow, you figured it out," his voice is normal.

"What do you want from me Florin?"

"I want you to be mine," Kara scoffs.

"That is never gonna happen," she felt Florin get closer to her. He touched her face again. She tried to back her head away, but his hand just followed. He was so close to the point where she could feel his breath on her face when he talked. "You better back the hell away from me!"

"I don't think you're in the right position to be telling me what I can and can't do. As I recall, you have no powers and right now, you're tied to a chair. Even if you do get out of here, you may never find your way back to National City," he laughs.

"Yeah, you keep laughing. It'll be real funny when they come looking for me and kick your ass!" Kara yells. Florin sighs loudly.

"Why can't you just understand I only want what's best for you!" Kara can't help but stifle a laugh. "What?"

"You want what's best for me? That's hilarious because you think the best thing for me is you!" Florin gets defensive and angry.

"I can take care of this baby, what does that Daxamite know about Kryptonian babies, huh?" Kara scoffs.

"It's not just a Kryptonian baby, it's half Daxamite! So no matter what, we are both gonna be in new territory! That's what happens when you have a baby," he slaps Kara. "You're what's best for me huh? Why don't you just leave and think about your poor life choices. Especially when it comes to me. You won't come anywhere near my baby," Florin tries to calm himself down. "AH!" he quickly looks at Kara to see her in pain.

"What, what's wrong?" Kara's breathing gets weak.

"It-- it's the baby," this affliction causes Kara to scream. "I NEED A HOSPITAL, PLEASE!" Florin panics and unties her. He quickly lifts her up and flies her to the hospital.

"SOMEBODY HELP, SH-- SHE'S HAVING OUR BABY!!" Kara wanted to punch his face in, but she was in too much pain. Even if she could punch him, it would break her hand. She still didn't have her powers. While Florin was in the waiting room waiting to hear from the doctor, Kara tried to quietly talk to the doctor.

"Please, don't let him come in here. He's not my husband. He kidnapped me and I have no idea where I am. You have to call my husband," the doctor calls in a nurse.

"Please get the restraints," the nurse runs out and comes back in with the restraints.

"Wait, what? What's going on?" Kara gets tied down tight while Florin comes back into the room.

"Kara Kara Kara, I thought you would behave. You made me do this," he pulls out some device from his pocket.

"What is that?"

"Oh this little thing, a good friend made it for me. It's used to control people's minds... and their bodies," Florin brushed his hand against Kara's leg. "If you don't want anything bad to happen to anyone, then you are gonna behave. Don't try to pull a stunt like that again."

"Fine, just please, call-- call somebody. Call Eliza, she's human and she wouldn't be able to get me out of here," He looked like he was debating it. "Please, I need my family with me," he smiles.

"You do have family here, you're not alone," he went to hold her hand, but she pulled back.

"You're not my family," he backed away.

"I'll call Eliza, but that's it. Don't ask me to call anyone else," he walked out of the room to call them. Of all the times she needed Mon-el, this was the one that she needed him most. She wondered what he was doing, if he was panicking, or blaming himself for her kidnapping. 

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